Thanks for the info Mike.
At the first glance i thought that Larxene was in the pic.
But Luxord in wonderland makes more sense,after all: Luxord = Cards = Wonderland. :)
Great vid Erkz.Think i'll try some of those codes later for the FM+.
The Sight-Seeing code it's an interesting one.
And hey! Love the music in your video!It's a really catchy music!
Wow,really interesting...
Think i'll buy a PSP.
And about the button-mashing thing,well...
It's already a trademark for the KH series.I'm used to it. :)
Well,not so much news around here,but still it's an interesting interview.
I'm just waiting for the next main KH in the series,if Nomura says that the game will be released for PS3 then i'll buy the PS3,which probably will happen.
I doubt that the game will be released for Wii...
Oh i forgot to tell you,i'm already living in 2010!!! :)
BBS will come out in 2009? :(
I thought it would be released in the end of this year along with KH 358/2...
But still...can't wait to see those games!!!
...need to buy a DS and a PSP though...