Last year i watched the stormbreaker movie i thought it was awsome but i dont know any movies that the actor who played Alex Rider is in any sugestions
what is his name anyway ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
does this make me wierd cause i like movie with certain actors not the cool ones though i do watch new movies out that reminds me are there and good movies comin out soon i want to go see one next week
(the 7th of April till 13th) by the way im talkin about in northen ire land
if i became queen i would tell every hot and sexy celeb to come to my party so i could flirt with them all
what would you do cause men are everything to me
does that make me sad what do you think
help if i am sad i will cry cause i dont want to be help me out what is the most important thing to do for fun?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
die die die die die die die die
you ever wondered why
by the way wat would you do if RikuRules13 posted another post
die die die die die die die die die die die die die
but if u say anything bad bout her you
die die die die die die die die die die
shes my mate
by the way the only reson im postin this is because u will die die die die die die