Haha, its interesting that you say that, because I am in FACT using a PS3 80GB system and I just got back from trading it in xDDDD
OMG that was EXACTLY the problem.
Works fine now xD
I brought out my old PS2 system and it fixed the error.
For future people who have this problem, what happens is this.
On the PS3 system when you start learning about your cards a Donald card falls from the sky. However, before you're able to click through what Marluxia says the card gathers into your card library by being drawn towards you.
On the PS2 system what happens is the Donald card that falls stays in the middle of the battlefield so that you are able to "collect" it. Which triggers the next screen.
Obviously if you don't collect the card on the PS3 theres no way to trigger the next cut scene.
Cooooool. As much as I'd love a full-on PS-style game. A PSP game doesn't sound so bad. (Espescially since I have one xP) xDD And the DS is a bad system :/ But I will buy one just to play the other game. xD I love having a job >:D As for the mobile.... D: I need a new phone >.>; I dont think blackberrys work on mobile games D:
awesome! Ok, someone clear this up for me, when and where will this be available? And is it going to be in the US? (I feel so n00bish for asking that >.> )