Recent Content by Skian

  1. Skian

    Dark Souls


    I adore it! You might! Maybe you don't! Maybe you couldn't beat it and you hate it! Maybe you beat it anyway!

    Let's talk about it!


    So basically, I searched the forums and I didn't find any current threads. So I figured I'd start one. So how do you guys feel about Dark Souls? I know that we're all here because we love KH. I find Dark Souls to be the perfect anti-thesis to the KH series (or Legend of Zelda for that matter). Both (all three, if you count LoZ) are 3rd person adventures set in a (relatively) open world with deep, rich, and intricately detailed lore. Those are basically my three absolute favorite things to have in a game, and the fact these franchises took those three aspects and ran in such different directions with them is fantastic. The upcoming release of Dark Souls II also makes this a better time than any to get into the Souls franchise.


    So hey! Who's up for some discussion? Which boss had you stumped? What covenant did you end up joining? Did you find Ash Lake by yourself (i did... Alright, it was complete accident -_-) Did Sif make you cry? Howabout the Quelaan? Did you save Sigmeyer? Howabout Solaire?

    Thread by: Skian, May 22, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. Skian
    I absolutely believe that Electronic music is a valid, good, and respectable genre. While I would never place it (in it's current stage of development, perhaps in the future?) on par with certain other genres (mainly Classical) I find it to be valuable, musical, and most important, a pleasure to listen to. I'm just as happy listening to Deadmau5 (or Trentmoller, or Nujabes, or TNGHT) as I am listening to Vivaldi, Coldplay, and Joe Hisaishi (the mastermind behind almost all the Ghibli soundtracks).

    P.S. if the above sounds like a personal opinion, that's because it is. Music is purely subjective, as has already been stated in this thread. This is how I feel. And while I stand by it, I cannot claim it to be fact. As with most things, there is no clear "best". There will always be someone who disagrees ;3
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Music
  3. Skian


    Thank you all! ^^ I'll be sure to keep your tips in mind ;3 See you 'round the forums! (I'll probably be starting up a Dark Souls thread in the gaming section. Drop by if you're a fan)
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Skian

    Intro post

    Hey Scotty. I'm just getting started here also. Hopefully I'll be seeing you around the forum!
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Skian
    Hi Sonja! My favorite character is definitely Xion. All the way.
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Skian
    Heya! I'm just getting started here as well. Hopefully we'll see eachother around! Thanks for the compliment on my profile pic btw :3 I'm quite fond of it.

    P.S. Team Rocket ftw
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Skian
    I started on 358/2 Days, and I haven't played the numbered series yet. So, while my obvious answer is Xion, I'm really not qualified to answer this question. I will say this though. If, when I play the main games, Namine (or anyone, really) can top Xion... I will bake cookies for the entire staff of Square Enix (all of them) and deliver them personally.
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Skian
    I recall an instance in Fallout 3 when my friend was playing. He went into VATS and scored a critical hit on a bandit head, whereupon the bandit's arms extended to about 20ft, started flailing around like snakes, and propelled him through the wasteland on glorious adventures. We followed him for about half an hour before we lost interest (aka anymore laughter would have been physically dangerous). As far as I know he's still out there, flailing about. Somewhere.
    Post by: Skian, May 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Skian


    Replies on the intro thread? O_o
    Holy crap.
    I'm not used to this in a forum.
    Nice to meet you guys! If the community is this warm, I may very well stick around.
    Especially while I'm playing through the games and such.
    Any little tips I should know about the forums?
    Post by: Skian, May 20, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Skian


    Hitting up the KH sites to drum up awareness/publicity for Magic Kingdom Hearts. (you can find me under the Cast and Crew page) I'm a pretty big (humongous) fan of Kingdom Hearts though, so I might stick around and be a little more active.
    Thread by: Skian, May 20, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures