Hey Guys, I noticed that there is still a new scene from KH2FM missing. It's the one before Amored Xemnas #2. It's a short conversation between Sora & Riku, but it's still worth uploading.
Hm... It would be nice to see Sephiroth vs Leaxus, but Sephiroth would just finish him off and cut him into little pieces ^^ btw. are you already working on Battle 5? Guess it'is a little bit easier without clones and stuff. Got a second question, Cloud are you going to make Code Legends IV this year even if the tournament hasn't finished? Sry for this off topic question. And sorry for my english xD, I'm not good in writing textes in english ^^
Ok, i guess many of you now think i'm stupid but i can't find the digits and didn't understand what i should do at all :(
How 'bout an example? Please?
Could someone give me the Code to disable those shining effects in the combos,please?
Dunno why SE made so many shining effects, people can't see the true animations wich are really cool ^^
I'm just worried about Code Legends IV wich should come out this year , because if it needs a month for each fight , then this tournament is gonna need more than a year. Dont't know if there is enough time for CL IV
Character One:
Cloud ( as ally xD)
Character Two:
Character Three:
DW Roxas (Boss)
Character Four:
Character Five:
Reasons behind why you Chose them/Comments (optional):
1 Ally Cloud pwns everyone with omnislash xD
2 Sephiroth with heartless angel o.O
3 DW Roxas and his cool moves ^^
4. Long HP bar and good moves
5. His book xD