origin of prejudice? lol is the lion prejudice to which animal it eats? is the ape partial to which fruit it devours? does the cat care whether is has a companion? does the rat favour the way in which it dies? no of course they dont. prejudice isnt something that occurs in the pimitive society but has developed along with greed and hunger for power in the way in which people manipulate others to get what they want in this case its less of one attitude and more of another. in the animal kingdom anything that would seem prejudice is simply because of convienience and efficient and prejudism is not in anyway convienient or efficient. also, if your way of thinking is to be understood then we must take evolution in all species into relevence. Attitudes dont just change with social surrounding but with time too, just as a herbivore today may have a carnivore as an ancestor millions of years back.
EDIT: This will be my last post for the day peeps so i may as well make my reasons for being here clear ^^. A friend of mine informed me of the arguement happening in this forum so i thought id have a shout in it lol ^^ as for my choice of what to support and what not to support, i flipped a coin tbh ^^ lol the only reason i was here argueing is shearly out of boredom at this time of day. hope u all had as much fun disagreeing or agreeing with me as i did argueing lol. g'night n have fun all.
what experiments? ^^ glad u asked promiscuos virgin
Locksley, Oritz and Hepburn (1980) asked people to divide poker chips between members of their own group and another group, some people divided the chips evenly between both groups, some gave more to their own group. the fact that there is a difference in behavior shows its not genetic.
Tajfel, Et al 1971.
the sample consisted of bristol school boys aged around 13-14 set into 2 groups and each group was told they supported a particular artist. when they had to assign points to other anonymous people in their group and the other group. the same results occured as in Locksley, Oritz and Hepburn (1980)
both the experiments also support peer pressure too
In Abu Gahrib (a prison) soldier brutally tortured and humilated prisoners. When questioned in court about their actions they said they were simply following orders from senior officers. The soldiers had no particular prejudice towards the prisoners and yet they didnt argue about theyre orders. this is called an Agentic state as in Milgrams Agency theory where a person who sees someone as an authorative figure and therefore obeys them. However this can also be applied to a person seeing a group as having authority and therefore following their orders. A.K.A peer pressure
promiscuous virgin thats pretty much what i was saying ^^ i was replying the the comment that said that prejudice is in our genes when various psychological experiments show that for the most part it isnt.
p.s. nice sig understand its direction but dont agree completely ^^ ironically relevent to the arguement in progress ^^
prejudice is not necesserily all to do with with the natural defence of distrust, it can also be the psychological development which has roots in your upbringing such as your parents or siblings showing offense or dislike to a certain group of people or whatever theyre prejudice towards.
On the large part in todays society prejudice is bad because it causes people to be offensive to other without reason. An example of this is gangs. In london there are many gangs which "own" certain "territories" they are prejudice towards other gangs simply because they arnt one of them. A person who isnt in a gang is seen as a potential member by all gangs and therefore could join any (within reason) and who they would dislike or be disliked by would be decided simply by their choice of gang. Similarly, everyday people subconciously sort themselves into social groups which decide who they are for and against. E.g. chavs hate goths preps hate chavs goths hate preps and every1 end up in a vicious circle.
Distrust however is different. A young child will happily investigate anything which catches their intrest with complete trust. Should the child find this unpleasant, then the child wont trust it. However this doesnt mean that the child is prejudice towards it.