I remember my first playthrough. Whenever I was in a big battle and I knew Wich form would best for the situation I would turn anti and get all ticked off thinking the game gliched on me only to find that it always helped me . All in all I had went ant like 17 times befor I finished.
and they needed a reason to kick him out cause i cant realy tell where he would have been in kh2
all in all
vexen=important=he got screwed over
though he really did look creepy
doesnt he have his own game
reverse rebirth?
plus i think its the mystery that surrounds him that makes him so cool so i wouldnt want a game about him cause he would loose that effect
i was looking on a few other forum sights and saw diffrent smiles that i think would make kh-vids forums look cooler
specifically onemanga forums had this one that was :moar: wich was a little mudkip looking all happy
and there was a a sayin fail, a flying goku, this pwned one wich was realy funny, a penguin, and a bunch more animated ones
but thats just my opinion.:D
i like to just take my keyblade and swing it around hoping i hit something while also using as many reaction commands as i can,unless of course im fighting a boss, then i start all willy nilly just to find the fighting style of the boss and then i adapt to a fighting style that can easily counter the bosses destroy them
sometimes it will take a while but then i finally get it
when beating xemnas for the first time i used final session limit with riku at that last battle because it shielded me from xemnas and allowed me to attack easily