Recent Content by shonen

  1. shonen
    Is there a 0 form gauge code or atleast a "don't go into card form against luxord" code? I already looked at the front page btw. Thanks!
    Post by: shonen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  2. shonen
    Well I created a new code that works for me. It's based on the multiplier code, I just put a very high multiplier there so it's kinda 1 hit max level. But you still need to do what the form requires like for Wisdom kill some heartless and for Final kill some nobodies.

    201D5F40 00058800

    After I killed one or two heartlesses, my Wisdom Form went from level 2 to level 7 instantly (not 9 as I'm still early in the game the level cap is on my forms is 7 currently)
    Post by: shonen, Feb 10, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  3. shonen
    Is there another code to level the forms fast? I'm using the drive xp multiplier currently I put it at x6 but it's still a bit slow not even sure if it is working. Is there a way to make it like x100 or something lol
    Also I read some post here having that frozen xp problem too around page 15 I think
    Post by: shonen, Feb 9, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  4. shonen
    I'm having a weird problem with the level 9 drive forms. Instead of getting level 9 at one hit, it freezes my drive xp therefore I cannot gain any xp by killing enemies and my forms will never level up.
    Post by: shonen, Feb 9, 2017 in forum: Code Vault