I do admit, inflicting pain on yourself does bring a little comfort...
Do you hate the world? Do you think that you're better off dead? Are you listening to the song 'Welcome to my Life' by Simple Plan?
Also... Mr. Hanekoma is known as the Producer, probably because he comes up with all the items needed for The Game.
There is a TWEWY Wikia for anyone who needs information.
Beware. There are spoilers galore.
I wish there was re-incarnation...
Buuuut I'm a 'Christian', so I'm expected to say that we go to heaven when we die.
But then again, the scientist in me says that there is nothing beyond death.
Avatar: 9/10 - Very well made, and nice, bright color(s).
Signature: 9/10 - Simple and clean, for realz. It would be 10, but the 'mde by me'sign should be colored too.