Recent Content by ShardofTruth

  1. ShardofTruth
    I also have some saves without the data battles done (not LV1, that's too hardcore for me), but I would really need a savegame without the silhouettes done since they are (at least a bit) different from their data battles equivalents. Maybe I should ask a a youtube let's player since I have no idea to whom I should turn with this request, all savegames I could find online (including gamefaqs and co) only have clear, end boss or starting savegames, nothing inbetween.
    Post by: ShardofTruth, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  2. ShardofTruth
    Does anyone here has a full set of savegames for the PS2 version of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix or one where the Absent Silhouettes haven't been defeated yet?

    Since the silhouettes vanish after you defeat them my end savegame is not very useful. Or is there a cheat code than can turn them back on?
    Thread by: ShardofTruth, Aug 1, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  3. ShardofTruth
    Speaking of battle levels: Does anyone know the battle level of the Realm of Darkness in the Secret Episode?
    Post by: ShardofTruth, May 29, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. ShardofTruth
    I feared it might come to this, better I start with enemies I'll already know the stats of so I can a least narrow the region down where these values are saved. Thanks for your help EvilMan:grin:
    Post by: ShardofTruth, Jun 3, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. ShardofTruth
    So how would you do it?
    Let's suppose I wanted to find out the HP of the Unnamend Heartless (no strategy guide tells them). It has 8,25 HP bars, meaning his HP are around 1650 (1 bar = 200 HP), that's a good start. Now I guess the HP values is actually a float one because I think the damage calculation is quite complicate, but neither can I find the float value nor a 16bit value for HP through difference searching. On top of that I don't know much damage I deliver so I'm always groping in the dark.

    If you have an idea or already know how some of these values are saved I would greatly appreciate your help. Also I've seen at the beginning of this thread that there are codes to change the combat/battle level of the different worlds. Would it be possible to find out what combat level the Realm of Darkness has? I think in BBSFM SquareEnix replaced the never completed Jungle Book world with these new areas, maybe this is helpful.

    This code from mega64 on pspgweber does that:
    _C0 Quick ability up
    _L 0x200E21C0 0x24062170
    Post by: ShardofTruth, Jun 1, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  6. ShardofTruth
    Is it possible to read out different values in the game?
    I'm wondering what's the battle level of The Realm of Darkness in the Secret Episode is, or what the HP, EXP, strength and defense values of the Heartless are. Also I'd like to know the stats of Monstro, Armor of the Master, No Heart and the Unnamend Heartless in the Secret Episode.
    Post by: ShardofTruth, May 31, 2012 in forum: Code Vault