People say that Obama is in some religion, and a woman said it publicly, she said because he was that, she won't vote for him.
Sucka. She got out voted.
Most people want to assasinate Obama, so....Mcains wrong.
Obama's still in a tough time. He has to prove himself, going against Racism, (citizens) and grudges (Mcain).
Like all of us, he's GOOD.
Hey. They're Racist *******s.
I said I was anti christian, meaning for me, I don't believe in God, or for any God in the matter, and some one guy said, so your voting for OBAMA? Racist idiot.
I was mad.
Real mad.
:sleepy: He ended up looking like this.
Everyones a little bit Racist, showing in the avenue q song, and thats completely true.
Everyones freakin over Obama, but most people, shown in the votes, liked the idea of Obama. I do too.
Switching over the idea that we should have a black guy for president is hard for most people, because they were probably raised in a family that generations back was probably liking the idea.
Or, the parents are real bad, and so they thought so too, that racism is ok.
It'll take many years, and Obama's good lead, for them to change their minds. Obama will have to prove himself in the end.
I say Xigbars. He should've impersonated his powers to be more like Star Wars. All He has to do is stand on his platform and kill Sora by choking him to death.
And what does he do?
Becomes a monkey for violent entertainment.
No friggin way. There was no other orgs. We are completely sure of that.
The thirteenth order.
They're showing/saying it as a way as the thirteen people have an order of things. Thats all.
I was younger, then my friend was obsessed with it.
Then I went to his house an played it.
Did that several times, and soon I beat the game. He got the second, CoM, Re: CoM, and so on, and I played all the games.
The end.
Happy now?
Should'nt be Kairi's, since the voice actors changed with Sora and Roxas.
I think they did change...
I was thinking Kiera Knightley...but then again i think not.