Recent Content by Shadowthegamer

  1. Shadowthegamer
    so that means i can only choose one world?
    then i would like to have them in "The World that never was" and "radiant garden".
    Post by: Shadowthegamer, Aug 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Shadowthegamer
  3. Shadowthegamer
    i want (if possible) cloud Leon tifa and mickey as ally's
    Sephiroth as enemy ,but if its possible to get him as ally it would be not bad to have this code too.
    Post by: Shadowthegamer, Aug 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Shadowthegamer
    sorry the stupid question but where is the diffenence?
    is it like this?:
    Ally: They fight with me but have no hp bar.
    Partners: They replace donald and goofy have an hp bar and i can give them items
    Post by: Shadowthegamer, Aug 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Shadowthegamer
    hi first
    sorry for asking this but can someone help me please?
    im trying to get codes for kh 2 pal
    "Then take a look at the first side of this thread. There are a lot of codes and a code converter"
    every time i use a code converter for AR MAX it says "Cheat is for wrong Game"
    if someone of you has some time could you please make some codes?

    Replace goofy with Sephiroth,Cloud,Mickey
    Replace donald with Sephiroth,Leon,Tifa,
    (i know sephiroth will be an enemy but i want to try fighting 2 of them)
    "Why don't you use the search on the top of the screen"
    i already tried but could not find what i have ben looking for
    Post by: Shadowthegamer, Aug 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault