Recent Content by shadowofchaos

  1. shadowofchaos
    I'd just like to thank all of the people that might not remember me, but really helped me out long ago with having fun with RAM hacking this game.

    I think was able to say my final goodbye with this game with the Reaction Command Exhibition:

    Thank you all so much.

    Evilman_89, Skiller, and Erkz are primarily the ones I remember... since I annoyed the hell out of them at one point with RAM hacking questions.

    You guys probably don't remember me, but thanks nonetheless.

    But yeah, I'm sorry for not remembering names... it's been a long time. I apologize for anyone I don't remember from back then that's still here and kicking, but best of luck and thanks for all the help! :D
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Jun 16, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. shadowofchaos

    50 minutes total. Geez. Not for the fainthearted. Hee Hee. See what I did there? :3

    Total Damage: 500+ GB of pure, RAW, uncompressed video on one of my 1TB external hard drives.

    Showcases EVERY SINGLE REACTION COMMAND I could find, with the exception of Timon and Pumba's "get away from the hyenas" thing.
    If a reaction command has a failure animation besides "getting normally hit", it is shown first. If it is able to do a lethal hit to a boss, it is shown again with that occurrence.

    Special thanks to the people at the KHII Final Mix Codes thread!

    I was once a regular lurker there long ago, but Fire Emblem has capture my heart and isn't letting go.
    See what I did there as well? :3

    Rivals my Tales of Vesperia PS3 Mystic Arte Exhibition in length.

    Many thanks if you do watch, and congrats if you manage to sit through all 50 minutes! :D
    Thread by: shadowofchaos, Jun 16, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  3. shadowofchaos
    I apologize for the necro, but here's what I'm wondering. Maybe the address you have to enter is saved in the ini file... it's just that the United States Locale messes up things for the program... like how the Touhou Hisoutensoku pallete program wouldn't work for me unless it was running under Japanese locale.

    I'll have time to mess around with it later on today.
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  4. shadowofchaos
    In addition... IIRC... if you use the model code to attempt something similar...

    Like how Erkz never gave the values on how to switch Roxas's model to do Sora's moves... it's because his "bones" don't match up and cause him to be that blob you see in the cutscenes, and cause him to fall through the floor.
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  5. shadowofchaos
    Wow, I've been gone for a while...

    Boss Warp codes? That's pretty much awesome :D

    It's a darn shame though... PS2 hacking is stuck with memory card dumps for PS2s? Or are there cheat search functions for the emulator? I'm just wondering since Wii and Gamecube hacking are easy as crap because of the "USBGecko" device...

    Is there a similar device that could be used for the PS2? Or is it basically using the Emulator for debugging functions?
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Jul 21, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. shadowofchaos
    Haven't been here in a loooooong time...
    I also have not played this game in a looooong time... Just checking back to see any development...

    I see there's a "Final Version" of play as Hooded Roxas code... Anyway, I'm just checking... I'm assuming that the Reaction Command mod still does not let you use reaction commands when the thing needed to "activate" the reaction command isn't there? So the "Triple Keyblade" thing that someone lost on their old computer (I don't remember who hacked it, but I remember a video with Final Form having the two extra keyblades without being in battle at the Dark City) will never be done eh?
    Post by: shadowofchaos, May 11, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. shadowofchaos
    Hmm.... Hi guys... I'm seeing that support for hacking this game is still going strong...

    Anyway... I'm assuming that there's still no way that you can hack the event flag to go to the 1000 heartless battle after you've beaten it AND relocate it... right?
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Jan 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. shadowofchaos
    What is the code anyway? (To make all of those heartless into other enemies)
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. shadowofchaos
    What do you mean "little" enemies? You mean ones that don't take up as much memory space or something?

    I wanted to do nobodies when I relocate the 1000 heartless battle....

    Note: Btw, I'm posting this at 3:48 AM US Pacific time right before a school day (no sleep) due to homework... XD
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Dec 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. shadowofchaos
    I want to change the heartless in the 1000 battle into Dusk Nobodies or other ones....

    The 1000 heartless relocation, I think that I can use the room mod code for it....

    Edit: However, that's gonna have to be with the save BEFORE the 1000 heartless battle, can't believe that we can't relocate "Warped to " event battles.... Nooo!! DX
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. shadowofchaos
    Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while... anyway....

    Does this code allow you to have the 1000 heartless battle anywhere?

    Also, is there any way to modify an "enemy ID" (such as the heartless present in the battle) into another enemy? (I don't mean like the UCM... I mean a modifier that makes all enemies of one type, into another... Like I want to change all of the heartless into another enemy such as a Dusk Nobody.... I want to do a video of what you weren't able to do at the end of the game....)

    I'm assuming not though.... I appreciate any help!!!
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. shadowofchaos
    Yep.... I knew there was a good reason....

    Thanks a lot for the answer man.... LOL
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. shadowofchaos
    Even though I have not been here in a while... I would yet again like to express my gratitude for all of the hard work all the hackers have done.....

    And also to NeoCloudStrife, who has cleaned up this thread from what it used to be...

    Anyway, towards the point of my post:

    Question: (I may have asked this before, but I think it was lost in the spam cleanup....)

    If we're able to play as Pajama Roxas... how come the moveset for the normal Roxas can't be used with the "Organization Cutscene" version? (The one with the hood outfit on, but with the hood off....)

    I was wondering about that instead of using the glitchy "Play as Hooded Roxas" Code... Although I'm pretty sure that there's a good reason why we can't do this....

    Those were the first codes I could find with the search function... Haven't really tested them though as it's been a while since I even turned on Final Mix....
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. shadowofchaos
    Thanks for explaining DMA... what about DMW?

    Thanks anyway though...

    Oh yeah... I was starting to hate that "Database Error" that kept happening for a while....

    What does the final (close to it anyway) version look like for the Boss Roxas Code?
    Post by: shadowofchaos, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault