*scraches head* ummm, i haven't finished hk2 yet (actually haven't really started, i don't have my own copy) but i noticed that in the diffrent vids, sora has diffrent crowns on. why?
sanyix stmbled uopon a bunch of unconious ordinization members. well, one was awake and providing medical attention. "what happened? ouch, that looks nasty... hhhmmmmmm GROUP HEAL!" the spell helped, but it wasn't quite enough to completly heal everybody. not to mention that they were still unconsous, execpt for that one girl. the girl was staring at her "eh heh, healing ain't quite my forte." she shrugged "but at least it does more good than harm. i'm sanyix." sanyix held out her hand.
sanyix picks up the bottle and smelled what was inside. she then raised it up to the light and swirled it around.
"............. i thought this was illegal. well, looks like we're not in vahloran anymore. damn. i hate reserch, and i'm gonna have to do some......." and sanyix wandered away. bottle still held up to the light.
"huh. forgot about thoes."
"hey anyone there! i need some help!" bellatrix yelled.
"and that's our cue! come on!" and sanyix ran in the direction bellatrix's voice came from.
"someone find bella, and have her come to me to help me make the bomb. a bunch of you, go out to get some prisoners. dead or alive, i don't care, but i need them or him or whatever in as few peices as possable. don't go out alone, and watch each other's back."
"who say's we need im to talk? at least not right now. bella, how's about working with me to make bomb? won't be a normal bomb, but it will be fun and get us a lot of prisoners to work with."
"if we have any of these knights as prisoners, bella and i can buld some 'toys' so we can find our missing boss, or at least find out who has him or knows who has him. all we gotta do is find room for a bunch of prisoners" sanyix said, a smirk on her face.
"darn, but bombs are fun. hey, does any one know....... wait a sec as long as it's tied to a certian person, i don't need to know where something is. do we have any of these 'knights' captive?"
"name's sanyix. nice to meet you. i've done location spells before. all i need is a really really good description of the guy. i might be able to pull off a retrevial spell too. hmmmmmmmmm..................." a rather nasty smile grew on sanyix's face. "any one know how to build a bomb?"
"mmhhhmm... our leader?" sanyix asked. "how'd we lose him? she rubbed sleep dust from her eyes. "how about a location spell? that would tell us where he is."
"huh, she's out again. well, TO HER ROOM IN THE CASTLE!" sanyix put her on the bed in the room they now occupied. sanyix made a spell that would activate upon the girl's awakening, and used another to go to her own room. "yessss, a nap. a nap would be good........." and thus, she slept.