hmmmmmm this could be a longer one, lets see.... in kh1 its the extra heartless in agrabah and neverland in final mix it would be xemnas (though i never fought him before) about kh2...... xigbar with his stupid lasers, demy, xaldin and sephy werent that tough (even on critical) in final mix hmmmmm probably zexion with his stupid "i draw you into my book" skill oh almost forgot com there its easyly riku4, larxene2 and of course ansem2
maybe this is the wrong section, if it is im sorry
i have a problem, as the title says my game crashes (picture freezes, blackscreen)
this happens (for now) at two places that are: after the ursulua battle (the song) and after the cutscene before the jafar battle beginns (blackscreen)
i would realy appreciate it if someone could help me