Lol I LOVE HEROMAN. Best anime I have seen this year. I hope that it gets uber awesome. Also I started to read the manga. So far my speculation of controversy over the American Flag being in an anime
How scary is the Nightmare on Elm Street Remake? Here is what someone said:
So scary, star Jackie Earle Haley even frightened himself with his own reflection during filming of the April 30 remake. And judging from Warner Bros.' Nightmare on Elm Street presentation at last weekend's WonderCon, Haley won't be the only one disturbed (in a good way, we think) by the new face of Freddy.
*Shrugs* Maybe that was my imagination at work. Anyways I also need to learn that I am not an expert in Kingdom Hearst since I just started playing back in 2008.
Wait a second. Even though it is fake Riku can technically have a Heartless. Since he did get sent to the world of the heartless and he was killed by Sora and so he could have a Nobody. Of course I should have realized that it was a joke when I saw that it said Evil Xion.
Lol even the other thing looks like the Nunchuck for the Nintendo Wii. I wonder how much longer Sony will go with this before they come out and say they are sorry for making such an obvious rip off.
I do not remember where the bloody crap I read it, but I saw that somewhere. Do not ask me how. This is supposed to be the origins of Batman so I am guessing that this is why they are prequels.
The only anime series I got close to ever finishing is Air Gear and that was the subbed version. I am watching the dubbed, but I have not had time to get everything put together.
Um they expressed that they refuse to put Robin in the series saying this is a Prequel series to all the other Batman series yet I do not know about Batgirl.
Look sorry to confuse you, but I am saying that the fangirls squeals are what made my ears bleed. I just joke around saying that fangirls squeal everytime he says those lines.