reaction commands hey every one i would just like to ask if there is any raw codes for reaction commands like session-(riku-sora) or any other move :star-wars-smiley-02
world character codes hey every one id like to ask is there a code to paly as world characters and do i have to press anything ??
but i saw many youtube vid seeing others battle terrabut i was not sure if it was fm+ or original kh2 but just to ask where can i get kh2 fm+ any way ???
??? but is terra only available in kh2 fm+ or can you fight him in normal kh2??
terra?? is terra only in final mix + or can it be in kh2 as well and is there a code to battle terra in kh2 ?? :star-wars-smiley-02
thats wierd ill give you this code and it should work: kindom key inverted (mickeys weapon) BH0T-2QFG-QJ8GJ KPVW-BZ78-17GZK Kingdom Key = Mickeys Darkside Key MP67-KMG7-VWJN2 KPVW-BZ78-17GZK Oathkeeper = WTD (unequip all blue abilities before attacking) 35P6-GEZH-59PCN 3CNV-GUZY-C9BUF i dont have a working FAKE 1 yet but fake is almost like mickys blades i hope these help :)
cool they work ill try this fake code if it doesent work then ill give you a better 1 :) FAKE: ATFY-5ZWG-X9NVN X0MN-4Y65-RHQ1T NWX0-R4NQ-566KW
Need Of Help can someone teach me how to use max convert!
testers wanted! where do i go? oh and yh can some one test these i translated them :) FAKE GG2F-F55X-XRZJV 715X-FTD7-ZWU56 NWX0-R4NQ-566KW detection saber 1YP4-BW3T-7PUJT CU0W-YFC6-CH15W AABK-0BN3-DXJHU detection sheild J1DD-J25C-GJYXG R3H4-NR94-WUQ0U 6RNR-ABZU-MZXG5 staff of detection V01X-PVPT-EJU65 HGYK-ADMY-EPHZ9 UEA8-XTF0-C2JY1 adge of ultima TZ1K-ZZ7K-NKAP1 2526-ZZDN-UFY61 WQW2-PTTE-AXHBX
ok ok is there any other to play as any other character through out the game ? that would be cool
sephi code needed :is there such code to play as sephi ??? EVILMAN EDIT: all those things aren't going to help you but just annoy everyone please refrain from having so many big THINGS that are distracting. thank you very much.
some one asked for axels wepon
help!!!! i know this is embarrising but does any one know the game id for the max converter i accidently missplaced it :nono:
i need a micky code hay does any one have a AR MAX a micky code to kill bosses??