Recent Content by Sg)Cloud

  1. Sg)Cloud
    Post by: Sg)Cloud, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. Sg)Cloud
    Well, the battle system was really intense and definitely the highlight of SO3, the story was rather boring , and it was nearly impossible to use characters like Albel in the later game because of their bad battle skills. Also adding Adray (who had NOTHING to do with the entire story) was rather a dumb move.

    The bonus battle system was really cool, also liked the really challenging alternate bosses, the battle trophy system was just <3 , which in fact added many challenges to the game (like doing some bosses with only one character).

    If u want a great and funny battle system, go buy SO3, if u want a good story, stick to other games >_>
    Post by: Sg)Cloud, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming