Recent Content by Sephiroth_21

  1. Sephiroth_21
    Yeah, fighting any of the Riku replicas wasn't necessarily difficult, so much as it was time consuming on some battles because I'd have to modify my deck for his actions. I think the overall most difficult battle is against Ansem. Son of a gun interrupts every other sleight I do! (Pst, stuck fighting his butt right now!) :guns:
    Post by: Sephiroth_21, Jan 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Sephiroth_21
    What it do guys?! (And our female compadres too! :stupid:)
    Just wanted to introduce myself more or less. Been hanging around this site for a lil while now. So yeah,..... PARTY BOYYYY!!!:rockband:
    Thread by: Sephiroth_21, Jan 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures