The link of "Castle Oblivion: Basement One", the unsubbed cutscenes of Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories - Reverse/Rebirth is broken.
Me and my friends aren't able to download it:
After we click on "Click here to start download..", it doesn't start and an error screen appears.
At the top of the page of Cutscenes Archive, there's a message (Video Policy) wich says to report the broken link in order to fix it, but i don't know where to report this error. Is this the correct area? Or maybe I have to contact a moderator? Please, tell me what to do...
Hi to everyone,
I'm a new member of this forum and I've opende this thread to find some help: I'm tryng to download the video of cutscenes of Kingdom Hearts CoM, buta some link on MediaFire doesn't work... how (or where) can I download the missing video?
This is the list of the missing files:
> Cutscenes (Unsubbed)
- Menu Trailer
- Introduction
- Castle Oblivion: Floor One
- Castle Oblivion: Floor Four
- Castle Oblivion: Floor Five
- Castle Oblivion: Floor Six
> Cutscenes (Subbed)
- Introduction
- Twilight Town
- Ending
Thanks for your help (I hope I've done the right thing opening here this thread...)