Recent Content by Seasloth

  1. Seasloth
    Hi alternate account :D
    Profile Post by Seasloth for Glen, Jul 30, 2011
  2. Seasloth
    You spelled interwebz wrong but anyways it might be useless to fight with this but simply dr._wigglz just wanted to know why his post where deleted given actual reasons other than just "move on" seriously.Other than that I probaly did overlook both things from both views but all that matters is what Dr._wigglz actually suggested. Also i probaly did have alot of grammar corrections but at the moment, i really don't care. Other than that there is my statement.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Seasloth
    Actually your more of the person i agree with since 20 of your posts you stated were deleted,yes it can be a waste of time but when it comes to real life and you get fired from your job and you do everything that was right,thats when it actually matters; but with Dr._wigglz most of his posts fit the description and had more than 6 words,i wouldn't be suprise if they changed the rules just because they probaly don't like Dr._wigglz very much nor do they like me that much.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Seasloth
    Are you suggesting deleting my post because i am agreeing with Dr._wigglz?Hes just saying that he wants to know ALL of the reasons for deleting his posts. If you can point out that much it would be helpful hes only making a fuss because none of you are telling him any good formatiable reasons, all your saying is "calm down,its just 3 posts;get over it" I'm pretty sure none of you would want to get over it either if some of your stuff had been deleted without a good reason,And if you did your just way too laid back to do anything about it and are too afraid to go up aganist higher power.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Seasloth
    I personally don't think Dr._wigglz wants to move on so quickly without knowing WHY they've been deleted, he should have every right to know why they were deleted not just one of them,ALL OF THEM.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Seasloth
    Actually it was several posts of dr._wigglz that got deleted for no accounted reason,no warnings what so ever either. This all seems like some kinda of poppy cock to me :\ quite frankly and if i was dr._wigglz i wouldn't give up on this either.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Seasloth
    I agree with dr._wigglz about the whole post deletion thing,i mean come on lighten up on the post.
    Post by: Seasloth, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Seasloth
    So you admit being a ******?>u>
    Post by: Seasloth, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Seasloth
    Character layout
    Appearance:White goes into dark blue ball pigtail things,Has "happy eyes" wears khaki compres,and has 3 dots under each eye,her eyes are yellow with highlights of orange,Shes thin and flexible like,5''2'
    Class:Strange effect
    Background story:She works as a forest guirdan,along with Whoke the little forest spirit that carrys devasting damage.She sees E5 hurt and mistakes her for a forest helper,so she decides to heal her.She master all powers of healing, and absorbs solar energy,shes not much of a fighter but shes a superior aerial attacker, shes good to have on the team because of her intense healing moves.

    Eaurling comes out of her small hut and sees the darkness absorbing creature,she runs to quickly help out E5 and brings out her boomerang,"Seems to me you may need someone to aid you" She replys and carefully strikes the darkness. E5 is suprised and does a spin off to delay the darkness's moves. Darkness being destoryed, he dissappears from the forest. Eaurling falls back and plays her leaf tone, summoning the forest sprites.E5 sits back and enjoys her music "Ah,such beautifulness you can simply see the notes coming out" She said peacefully.
    Post by: Seasloth, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Seasloth
    Anissa rolls over to view this group's outrage and settles down behind a boulder. E5 woke up once again but shes was in a tent, and she felt healed by some marvelous being,she gets out of the bed and runs out of the tent to see a black blurry darkness appearing. She took one foot back and it clashed into a huge black object mistfying with darkness, "Dammit its too soon for another battle,but i guess i'll have to" She points her arm out ready to devast this nasty creature.
    Post by: Seasloth, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Seasloth
    E5 sat up barely breathing,she needed to find help quickly but she was too weak to even try to stand up. She looks around out of her dizziness,and turns her head to see this other person. She askes softly "W-who are you..."She faints back to sleep,Meanwhile Anissa is trying to find shelter she sees a group of people below and trys to dive down and land,yet she misses and injures herself more that she already was.
    Post by: Seasloth, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Seasloth
    E5 and Anissa are both damaged heavly, Anissa stands up from the battle and stumbles around,then balances herself to become stable and return to the Lanucord Temple. E5 lays on the floor bleeding from the air sacs on her face, she repeats the words "Anissa...I may be defeated but i have not loss y---She faints as she trys to studder her last words.
    Post by: Seasloth, Apr 22, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Seasloth
    Post by: Seasloth, Apr 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home