Recent Content by Scorn

  1. Scorn


    As Zaach, wandered down the dark, putrid smelling streets of Mhaura , he saw a noble-men walking past. Zaach inspecting the men thoroughly with his eyes. The man seemed to be lost, but then the man stopped as he saw Zaach, the man stared at him. Zaach turned around, to see if there was anything behind him, but when Zaach turned to face the man again. He was running towards Zaach, He stood his ground and waited for the man to come, but he put his hand up his sleeve, and grasped his Knife just in case. The man continued to run, but before he got to him, another man, one cloathed in dark clothing with a mask covering his face, jumped from the air and stabbed the man through the back off the kneck. The Shock caused the man to look up, and as he fell his diying stare pierced Zaachs soul, it sent shivers down his spine. But as the man fell, Zaach couldn't divert his gaze. As the man hit the floor, the mysterious man withdrew his blade and walked off as if nothing had happened. Zaach looked down and the man was chocking, he looked up at Zaach, as if asking for something. Zaach imediately came down to him, trying to give the man as much comfort as possible. The two said nothing, just held each other as one of them passed away.

    When the man was dead, Zaach, closed his eyes and put him in a more respectable position. Zaach then began running in the direction off the dark clothed man. It was a few minutes before Zaach, spotted the man again, he was entering a house, when he was in the house. Zaach ran to the door and try peering througt it, but he couldn't see. So He took out his lock picking kit and picked the lock, he opened the door quietly, and entered what seemed to be a bar, He imediately stood up straight, and acted as if he knew where he was. He glanced to the corner and decided thats where he would sit. Zaach tried to hide the fact, he was petrified, every once in a while he would glance up, a someone and they would be watching him. Paranoia bubbling up inside of him, it was almost painful. Zaach stood up and walked to the bar and order an ale. The barmen then looked at him curiously, Zaach turned away. What a bad idea, he realised that was after doing it.

    "You must be new around here, I'm McClavern" the man offered his hand and after hessitating Zach took it, "and you are?"

    "I'm Za- My name is Rusenbell, Rusenbell Condon. It's nice to meet you." He let go off the mans hand.

    "So what brings you to our Assassins guild." Zaachs heart stopped. An Assassins Guild? How have I managed to get myself into an Assassins guild? Then Zaach realised, that the men from before were an assassin and his target. Zaach hated Assassins, but right now he would have to act. He would have to act as if his life depended on it, which it did.

    "I was just around, needed somewhere to sit down and rest before I set off again on my next target."

    "Thats fine, stay as long as you want. My shift ends in a few minutes." Zaach took a big gulp off his ale.

    "Oh, alright." Zaach turned around, just to eye the surroundings, and on one of the tables was the man from before, his mask was down revealing short brown hair and a moustache. But he could still tell it was him. A Rage suddenly built up in his stomach, this time the emotion hurt. Zaach turned around back to the bar keep. "Who is that guy in the corner, I've seen him a few times before." McClavern peered over at the man.

    "Thats Jérmoné, I don't know much about him, just his name and that that mask of his is his trademark apparently." Zaach nodded his head okay.

    "Okay then." Zaach finished his ale, "You got any toilets around here?"

    "Yeah, but they're pretty disgusting to be honest." Zaach shrugged.

    "So where are they?" The Bar keep stood up, giving him a curious look because of Zaachs rudeness, and gave him directions that Zaach followed. When he got into the toilets, he: took out one off his knifes, and gently tried to cut off his gotee and shorten his hair. He then took of his jacket and tied it around his waste. Zaach walked out of the toilets, and walked over to the man from before.

    "Hey man, Mind if I ask you something in private?" The man looked up to him, Zaach hoped he wouldn't be recognised, he was lucky. The man nodded and got up

    "What is it?"

    "Were not in private yet." Zaach replied imediately, he had put on an almost different persona, he wasn't enjoying it. When the two got outside Zaach closed the door behind them. The man looked at Zaach.

    "Hurry up, and tell me what it is, Im busy." Zaach opened up his hand and a knife dropped from his sleeve, into his palm. Zaach clenched it, and rammed it in the mans neck and again, as the man fell infront off him, Zaachs eyes were looked. All the sound around him left and all he heard was the thud.

    Zaach sat up imediately, and looked around him. He was safe, he was in his bed, it was just a dream but what had just happened, that was a new dream. It was soo lucid, but why had he killed the man, Zaach would never do anything like that. It scared him. Zach stood up and boiled some water, and made himself a drink. Zach sat covered in a blanket and stared at the fire. Watching it, spiraling and roaring. Zaach fell asleep again, but this time, dreamed off nothingness, a ever growing massive white page.

    OOC: Just wanted to let you know. My Other posts won't be about him dreaming or so Terribly long. :)
    Post by: Scorn, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Scorn


    Name: Rusenbell (Zaach) Condon
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Zaach is off petit stature, he is skinny and has a very delicate looking face, that is often covered in dirt. His hair is long and a dark blue, about shoulder length to be exact. He also has a dark brown mussle and a distinctive gotee. When it comes to clothes he usually wears rags, anything that he can find. Although he owns a long black suite that he had stolen. Underneath Zaach’s clothing he has a number of weapons: strapped around his arms he has two small daggers, a short katana that is strapped around his back, a dagger that he keeps strapped around his ankle and he also keeps a small crossbow tied onto his belt
    Magick Ability: Level 2
    Job Class: Theif/Traveler
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
    Alignment: Good, but because of money problem he has to steal.

    Background/History/Personality: Zaach was born in Mhaura and he has stayed there ever since, he has never met or heard of his parents, which could atone for his sceptical and pessimistic personality. An Old Lady, called Iris, found the boy on the streets, where she took him in as her own, she taught him basic anatomy and how to create basic remedies.

    He never went to school and had no education up until the Iris, even though he had had no education, Zaach was still a very smart boy, he had somewhat of a sixth sense, he could read body language and he was able to tell what feelings people were thinking. Zaach never got over the death of Iris; he had beaten himself up more than he felt needed to, which resulted in many scars on his body. He had many cuts up and down his arm and a scar above his left eye that had been attained in a fight, which he started.

    He wasn't a self-righteous person, he knew that stealing was wrong, but he wanted to buy his mother a Grave, he felt he needed to. So then Zaach, aged 15, became a traveller, sold the house he was brought up in and travelled the country, but not before finding a suitable place to store the body.. He then found himself in Estavel were he got himself a job as a waiter, after a few years of being homeless, he would sneak into houses in the middle off the night and steal clothes as well as use their toilets and water, before he would go to work. After a few months working he was fired for stealing from the pockets of those he waitered for. Zaach had earnt enough money to buy himself a small house, and was almost half way to buying a plot and grave for Iris. Zaach had then one day stumbled on a book that he then used to teach himself magick that he used to help himself pick pocket, he also left and altered the atmosphere around his mothers remains so that it did not decay or rot.

    When it came to stealing, he was only ever caught twice, he didn't believe he was a good pickpocket, he just knew that people weren't as aware as they should be.

    When Zaach had enough money to buy a grave, he left for Mhaura but when he got to the place he had hidden his mothers body, it was gone, everything, the body and all the valuables left with it. Zaach vowed that he would better himself and find the thief, which he has been doing till this day.

    Demo Post: Zaach looked up at the ceiling, as his eyes adjusted to the light. He was getting used to the nightmares, they weren’t getting any better, just more tolerable. It was often the same one, he would be standing their alone and Iris would be screaming and ranting at him, she would blame him for loosing the body. She would say things he knew that she would never say, but they broke his heart every time. The dream would always end at the same part, well he could only remember up until one part.

    After he got over the trauma off the nightmares, he began to study the dreams and had given birth to a strange interest in dreams, he had many books on consciousness and sleep, but he hadn’t found any that actually quenched his thirst for knowledge. Zaach used to sleep for about 16 hours a day, to try and experiment with dreams, when he had a very lucid dream he would attempt at flying, as well as many other impossible things. At One point Zaach had destroyed the line between reality and dream, and therefore on a couple of occasions injured himself severely, from trying to fly and walk on water. Zaach established his ability to tell the difference when he had to nurse himself back to health, after the accidents.

    Zaach yawned and then sat up, he looked around as if he was looking something, but he wasn’t he just wanted to make sure everything was as he left it. He then got up and put on his clothes, as he put on his raggedy jacket, he heard a rip and it fell from his shoulders, he let out a sigh “Damn it, supposedly to last another bloody month” he put on his white shirt, that was part of his “good clothing” draw, he swung the jacket onto his shoulder and left to the market.
    Post by: Scorn, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home