Hey Excasr! I've read your post about BBS and I'm very happy for you! It's the first time you post in that section, congratulations! ^^ BUT be...
Hey, Rienzel! :D My name doesn't means properly "The Chilly Academic", it means "The Frozen Scholar" It's almost the same meaning but we...
Good luck with everything! I hope you'll come back one day! :)
My favourite skateboards are the first and the fifth! I think they're funny and really nice :D
no, I don't XD Nicko, from which country are you from? Are you from United States like the most part of the other users? :)
Hey, Nicko! I'm fine, and you? :)
Ooh, I see! :) Llave, I have to go! This is a present for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aflOpbZZvE4&feature=fvwrel It's a funny musical...
Ooh, what kind of cake is this? Chocolate? :3
Llaveee!! You make me laugh! XD ahahahah!!!
Ooh, what is it? O.o
Off, what is it??? O.o
Yes, I'm 16! Uff, you are older! XD
I'm at the third year in high school! :)
ahahahahah!!! XD Yes, I can, but the smell can't fill my stomach! D:
Wooow *__* No, I haven't a job, I'm still studying! Here in Italy is unusual that a student has a job! :(