Recent Content by sayde

  1. sayde
    good question. I'd have to ask the person who originally provided the subs if I could use them first. But if I got the "ok", then I'd be able to do it; no problem.
    Post by: sayde, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  2. sayde
    EvilMan_89, could you just post the codes that you used in that vid here. I own an armax, but would be glad to just convert the codes for every other cheat device out there.

    It looks like a fun cheat to play around with and it would sure beat the hell out of having Donald and Goofy as partners.
    Post by: sayde, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. sayde
    no problem everyone.
    Post by: sayde, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  4. sayde
    you need a divx codec to watch this.

    download and install it from here.
    Post by: sayde, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  5. sayde

    I went all out on this xvid encode.


    Original rip------------------------------------------------------------------------my encode

    Much thanks to DarkHelmet for providing me with the rip.
    Thread by: sayde, Mar 31, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Production Studio