No one notes that SvA is my UNCLE. Goimez put me down as saxoR_vs_aroS on the member list.
Hey Roxma! I like remember you from when my uncle left his account on the fam page. Your avvy was different then...
Important Notice from my uncle to all older members-
Guys, just so ya know, i didn't leave you. There was a glitch that wouldn't let me post in the fam. So, yeah guys. I ish missing you!
Damn, you beat me to making a thread. Fantastic film, 9/10. I loved it.
IMO, Sam was stupid. If he had gone cruising at 20 mph instead of 90 in that ambulance, they would've gotten away with it. Screw the other guys, they could be disposed of. If he hadn't gotten in that high speed chase, and crashed trying to avoid Anna, then they would've gotten away, with the President and able to free hostages, or whatever they wanted from him.
[] You have a big aim in life
[x] You hate to lose
[x] You feel that your eyes change colors with your behavior
[X] You are obsessed.
[x Sadly, yes.] Your intelligence is superior in comparison with another person’s
[] You don’t mind hurting others as long it helps you to get to your aims.
[x] You have talent to seduce the opposite gender
Total: 4
[X] You love candy
[x] You don’t care about how you look
[X] You walk/ sit curved
[x Compared to most my age, apparently] You are a genius
[x YAY INSOMNIA] You have dark circles around your eyes
[x D:] You are very thin no matter what you eat
[] You don’t have many friends and you are a total failure at love
Total: 6
[x] You love someone blindly
[x] You would do everything for that ‘someone’
[x] You dress in a very peculiar way
[] You can’t tell when people are joking around with you
[] You can’t handle alcohol very well
[x] You are very jealous
[x] You can make people do what they don’t want to do.
Total: 5
[X] You love chocolate
[X] You were confused at least for once with the opposite gender
[x] You always dress dark and tight clothes
[] You are always second
[] You have a burn/scar on your face
[x] You are very intelligent, but sometimes you make mistakes
[NO WAI I LUFF HIM<3] Near creeps you out a little bit
Total: 4
[X] You are always playing videogames
[] You smoke
[] You wear streaky shirts
[X] You would do anything for your friends
[] You use glasses that look like goggles
[] You are always relaxed
[X] You are very affectionate to your best friend
[] You are patient to the limit
[X] You always win
[] You have Peter Pan syndrome
[] You love to wear pajamas
[X] You are very intelligent
[X] You have a lot of ability using your hands
[X] Your hair is a weird colour
Total: 4
[] You believe in a god
[X] You search for justice in everywhere
[] You use glasses
[] You are/ want to be a lawyer
[] You don’t care about following orders as long as it’s for justice’s sake
[X] You support Kira unconditionally
[] All your life is perfectly planned
Total: 2
[] You love apples (very much <3 )
[X] You are bored
[X] You think that humans are… INTERESTING! [TTLY.]
[X] You laugh in a weird way… [Oh yesss... ;D]
[] You don’t let your feelings lead you
[x] When there’ s an argument, you never take one of the sides
[XXX] You are a little bit crazy and weird (take out the little. O_O )
Total: 5
[X] Some people think that you are an idiot
[X] You always see someone’s good side
[x] You know someone who is an example for you
[] You don’t think Kira is neither good or evil
[] You talk about a love life that you don’t have
[x] You do stupid things that sometimes are good to the ones around you
[] You are pretty, but old.
Total: 4
Holy crap. I copy-pasted Madi's and i only had to change one thing 0.o
There is the whole concept of the royal family, diplomacy and such... but that isn't his job. He worked his ass off to become a soldier at Sandhurt, and should be allowed to fight for his country, as anyone else should, even still, the fact he is thought well upon by a lot of the British nation means there would be a big (if not huge) response to his death, should it turn out that way. My final opinion is: