It can't be as bad as everyone claims. So don't tell me it is because that is opinion at most. I will play the game and make my own decision. But the demo gave me a good idea of what the whole game would be like. And I am interested in playing through the whole game. And I don't think it will be bad, so I may never realize it then. :)
Recently Square-Enix will be planning on unleashing a Mobile Arcade onto cell phones serviced to Verizon. The "MegaTouch Mobile Arcade" is a game series that will utilize the MegaTouch touchscreen. This isn't the first time anything related to Square has been released onto a Verizon mobile phone. Kingdom Hearts Mobile and Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII were released on Verizon mobile phones as well.
I agree with ALL of what you said. The prehistory and the stories behind most of the characters isn't as original or deep as it could be, and there are so many holes that Nomura continually fills them with strange continuations such as Dirge of Cerberus. It added a new spin on Final Fantasy VII and explored a new prestory on Final Fantasy VII. But, the character all have roles in Final Fantasy VII.
i.e. Cait Sith is controlled by a Shinra agents spying on the actions commited by Avalanche. Yuffie is a Ninja trained by the Wutai, who have been feuding with Shinra since before Final Fantasy VII began.
But, I notice during the story that the characters begin to lose sight of their path. What are their goals? To stop Shinra? To defeat Sephiroth? The characters go back and forth on that.
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But they all revolve around the same mythos that Final Fantasy will not be ending anytime soon. There is really no excuse on why Final Fantasy would be comming to a close.
Most likely it will be used for Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. If everything goes successful with the use of the White Engine, then Square might use it for future games on the Playstation 3.
Thanks for the welcome. I actually am starting to settle in now. If the mods don't normally close threads than this thread can just go inactive now unless anyone else would like to say hi through PMs. Feel free to. :)
The other thread can be considered dead as the last post was made several weeks ago. So no offense should be made if he didn't know. But I agree with your opinion. Final Fantasy is a great series, with sequels and ports being released almost monthly. It will go on even if FFXIII collapses.
As far as the main series is concerned, Final Fantasy would not end just because the graphics have reached their limit technologically. If Final Fantasy XIII is very successful along with the compilation as a whole, we may see more. But the hype for FFXIII hasn't been very high (in my completely biased opinion). More than likely, we may see the end to the main series of Final Fantasy if FFXIII becomes unsuccessful. But I feel as Final Fantasy will go on for a very long time. It's the majority of Square-Enix's income.
Square-Enix lately has been focusing on the production of titles for its major series' such as Seiken Densetsu, Final Fantasy, DragonQuest, etc. Completely new and original games pop up every once and a while, but not often. I would not expect anymore new games out for a bit. You've still got titles in Final Fantasy such as FFXIII, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, and more. And this arguement is opinionated to an extent. Alot of the games being released are indeed sequels, remakes, and ports. But nothing is wrong with that. There are enough good Square-Enix games for everybody to like something. Is there anybody here that is fed up with all of the releases by Square-Enix thus far? Doesn't seem possible.
Lately the DragonQuest series is becoming more heard of and active, what with the release of DragonQuest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. More games are being released as apart of the DragonQuest series including a DragonQuest IX in development currently. DragonQuest Heroes: Rocket Slime was also released (for the DS), the sequel to Silme MoriMori DragonQuest: Shougeki No Shippo Dan which was released onto the GBA.
That quote by Koichi was put in Famitsu and Koichi confirmed DragonQuest IX on August 19th of this year. Discuss~