Recent Content by saix23

  1. saix23
  2. saix23
  3. saix23
    I hate Twilight for three simple words. Cirque Du Freak. Cirque is a better vampire series by a LOOOOOOOONG shot. If you liked Twilight even a little, check out Cirque, its a 12 book series and I couldn't put down one of them.
    Post by: saix23, Nov 17, 2008 in forum: Literature
  4. saix23
    I think the entire Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z series was dubbed extremely well. Naruto isnt bad either, but YYH and DBZ were what stuck out to me as wows in dubbing. Rurouni Kenshin was another well dubbed anime.
    Post by: saix23, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. saix23
    DEFINETLY the Life of Pi. This was such a terrible book, I took a bad grade rather then reading the rest of it. If you want to fall asleep at night, read this book, it'll do it instantly
    Post by: saix23, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Literature
  6. saix23
    My very first Manga was Dragonball Z Issue 11, where they finish the fight up with Frieza. After that my obsession for manga took off and I currently have over 100.
    Post by: saix23, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. saix23
    Profile Post

    awesome man thanks

    awesome man thanks
    Status Update by saix23, Oct 22, 2008
  8. saix23
    I was actually thinking the same thing for Zexion! I think Crispin would make a great voice actor for Zexion, and considering he voiced some characters like Will Turner in KH II, its very possible too.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. saix23
    Oh yeah, mines a really old PC, I say just wait a bit, people are ALWAYS working on new emulators and new things for them, in due time, someone will master the PS2 emulator, but I doubt they'll fix the lag. PS2 is very high tech, it'll kill a lot of computers, but lets just hope we can get one thats good soon!
    Post by: saix23, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Technology
  10. saix23
    I have all those other ones except Dreamcast as well. those work fine on old computers (mines like 7 years old). I'm sure if you have a Dreamcast one that you know you need something called BIOS for your PS2 one, thats a big problem people experience, they forget to install BIOS. Make sure you have that in there, like I said, I had everything going great, and had games going but the lag was just way too intense, thats one of the problems I had.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Technology
  11. saix23
    I'm a HUGE Spidey fan, I own about 1,000 Spidey comic books. My favorite is Carnage. But I also love Venom (of course) and Electro. Mysterio is also pretty cool, and i love it when Dr. Doom makes an apperance in Spidey comics, although Doom has only appeared in a few. The Punisher is also one of my favorite Spidey "villains" even though he turned good and had his own series very shortyl after.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Literature
  12. saix23
    The thign I REALLY REALLY like about this is Sora. He's got an emotion of sadness and confusion on his face, its something you usually don't see on Sora. Great job, I like it.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. saix23
    Its true, Boston wasn't great after that album, but those songs in particular were pretty awesome. As for Led Zeppelin, my favorite is Kashmir, but I'd also reccomend Houses of the Holy, Over the Hills and Far Away, Fool in the Rain, and Thank You. Those are my five favorite Zeppelin songs. Zeppelin's worth getting into, trust me XD.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. saix23
    Ahhh Boston, there wasn't one song off that first album that wasn't awesome. If you like them I'd suggest Don't Look Back and Amanda too, cause those are more amazing songs from Boston. I also am a Die Hard Beatles fan, I have all their albums as well and tend to be quite knowledgable about them. My all time favorites are Led Zeppelin though, I've loved Led Zeppelin since I was 4. There becoming a bit of a trend now, and everyone is starting to like their generic stuff, like Immigrant Song, Whole Lotta Love, etc. I like the deeper cuts as well, but yeah, I'm a classic rock junkie!
    Post by: saix23, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. saix23
    The same thing happened to me! I was up to Hallow Bastion in KH I, but then KH II came out and I was like TOO THE NEXT ONE! I got what I missed from the opening, so I understood it, I beat KH II a few times, then I told myself to go back. So I replayed KH I and beat it. I've still beaten KH II numerous more times then KH I lol.
    Post by: saix23, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX