Recent Content by Saeru

  1. Saeru
    Oh my! Oh my word. *laughing* This is the best ever!

    Ah, Kitsune. Congratulations on the stealing of my story. I hadn't ever expected actual literary theft. Now, if I were a bad person, I would probably do something such as...oh, say...track you down at Mechacon based off of all the information that you've been trailing behind you, and shake my fist at you vehemently.

    But I'm not a bad person. As a matter of fact, I'm elated! I've always HEARD about art theft, but its never actually happened to me before. I guess this makes me somewhat of an impromptu celebrity. o.O
    Lets see, then, how good of a person you are, my dear Kitsune. Would you mind apologizing? Perhaps giving proper credit in that first post there? I'd really rather appreciate it. ^.^

    As to the art, amazingly enough, that is mine as well, which was drawn specifically to go with that story. And yes, I agree, Even does look like a girl. I'm still working on it. ^.^ We've even got another apprentice picture in the works right now in our Deviantart Gallery, if anyone wants to take a look.

    Thankyou, Zexion13, for your comment.
    For boots, you're probably going to want to find the 'Captain 100' by Pleaser. This should run you about 30$ online.
    The best way to achieve the color of hair that Zexion has in your icon is to purchase a silver wig and let it soak in luke-warm navy-blue rit dye for about an hour.
    There should be some good styling techniques to be found at The Ultimate Organization Cosplay thread, too. Check it out. ^.^

    Also thankyou to Akino for noticing something strange was up. ^.^

    Even more thanks to everyone who left a comment in this thread about the story. It really warms my heart to see those who appreciate it take the time to say they do, and I appreciate the critiques as well. ^.^ It is a little rough, I agree...Braig's writing 'style' was unfamiliar to me. But my aim is to get better, and everyone's comments help. A great deal.
    I have only one other story posted on the internet, and it can be found in our profile, for those that asked.
    Thanks again, everyone, for taking the time to read it. ^.^

    At this point I'm not sure what more to say. I don't have much of a care if this story remains up, here, so long as I'm given proper credit. If it gets taken down, thats fine, too. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Post by: Saeru, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Archives