Recent Content by -{Saïx}-

  1. -{Saïx}-
    Can someone give me all the master codes avaible,plz?
    Cause I've tried this one and didn't work:

    7603E680 00000000
    9835F365 78C23EEF

    when I put the game CD,the screen changes to black and nothing happens...
    Post by: -{Saïx}-, Feb 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. -{Saïx}-
    Play as Sephiroth

    I've found this code in a german site...
    dunno if it really works.

    Play as Sephiroth:

    I don't have the version of the gameshark required,so I coudn't test it.
    Can someone do it and tell if it really works??

    Post by: -{Saïx}-, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. -{Saïx}-

    Can someone explain me how do I use the gameshark correctly????
    it's cause I saw lots of codes that ya need to put an "X" or "Y" or "Z",etc...
    But on my gameshark,there's just "A - F"...
    I was so excited that I finally found how to play as Riku!
    But now I need to solve this problem if I want to...:(
    Post by: -{Saïx}-, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. -{Saïx}-
    Can you tell me the master code,plz?

    Post by: -{Saïx}-, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault