Recent Content by Rynnakat

  1. Rynnakat
    I added a line to his homepage to alleviate your doubts.

    Miss Kat

    I'm also on the officers page and talk to Vic daily. :)
    Post by: Rynnakat, May 26, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  2. Rynnakat
    No he is not quitting.

    I am Vic's friend that updates his website and ranger items and he is not quitting voice acting, he is actually recording in LA and Dallas this week and loves it just as much as ever. I just wanted to post in here and tell you all that his panels are always available on youtube and the one in NC did not state anything in regards to him quitting. Thanks so much!

    Miss Kat
    Post by: Rynnakat, May 26, 2009 in forum: Current Events