that seems to be what a lot of people actually think. The things I've heard are that they believe gays are:
-sex-fixated freaks
-degraded humans, not nearly as valuable to the society like the rest of the people
-morons who does not know any better ( some guy actually told me to stop being gay for the better of our community)
-and of course this one guy who diluted himself with the thoughts of gays being hate-mongers, here to spread diseases and to contaminate the world... O_o
Oh my God. I am quite speechless. I didn't really think that my AMV would do so well. To be honest, I didn't really like the songs we were to choose from and as you noticed. my intro would be better off if the content of the AMV including the song was a bit darker. But hell, I totally agree with all your points of views regarding the flaws. I never looked upon Hell on Earth as one of my best AMVs, but the intro would maybe qualify hehe. But still, thanks a lot *hugs* for the next contest if you might make one. can we have free choice of music? I am currently working on a final fantasy AMV with some nice soundtracks. But as I said, this was a total surprise since I looked upon DJ Seph's AMV as slightly better than mine, only with an annoying eye , hehe, no offense Kim ;)
But hell, this is the first award Pulverize Production has won since we started it half a week ago ^^
finally an entry in our 'Awards' section on our site :)
Also, is there a banner for the first place or something to put on the site?
ohh btw Vincent... you were supposed to use one of the two songs and NOT Breaking Benjamin - so cold, I have already and AMV with that song so if there'll be a BB - so cold contest you we could enter, but you were actually supposed to make an amv dedicated to this contest
Yeah hehe, I was just curious, but so far I haven't seen any signs of updating in this topic whatsoever ^^;;
here is my AMV with better quality, the credits are still messy but at least they are recognizable. I dont know why sony vegas wont let the ending be normal.
Thats the Download link. And by the way... All my compiling programs ceased to work, therefore I had to use Vegas 6.0c to compile it with, which I still regret more than anything. so Vegas ****ed up the ending totally! So please, just overlook that part.. *sighs* not my fault that my compilers are crashing down around me! I just thank God Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 still works... :D