...One more page, one more reply..
-Hyponotised by the pretty rainbows- Pretty...
Pretty Rainbow-y Colours..
-Not Dead- -Will be randomly posting this every so often-
Prooving I'm not dead.
BAHAHAHAHA! Imma eat chuu all ;3; kthxbai.
poof ;3; I appear.. Then Disappear...
oohhh.... -Asplodes random things-
Fear my characters. d: They're generally much more insane though.. XD Being Badgered to get off nao ;_; Bye Guys.
Same ;____; Hehe ^^ Lolz, I've been spriting and other stuff -points at sig-
Lol ^^ I decided to come back cause I missed you all <3
Im not gone! Im Just Invisable 8D
If your tired, you should go to bed XP And looking through the smilies .. ::L: [Edit] Gotta go nao anyways.. Byez~
Lolz.. I still have school @_@; And awesome! :lolface: I dont go on Kh-v much, I dont know much of the news or new happenins @_@