Recent Content by royevans

  1. royevans
    cover an elf's skin with oil thats wht I look like.
    Post by: royevans, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. royevans
    nothing....thats wht it resembles a nothing in perfect human form
    Post by: royevans, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. royevans
    ....Are you done yet now let me explain something Heartless are hearts corrupted by darkness and without a body or a soul. They serve as most of the battles and challenges that the player must go through to Kingdom Hearts. They come in a large variety of types, categorized by being Pureblood or Emblem. Emblem Heartless are artificially created and are labeled with a heart symbol. Pureblood Heartless are natural, inky black shadow creatures with bright yellow eyes. In contrast to the strongest Nobodies having human form, many of the stronger types of Heartless take on more monstrous forms. Though normally used by Xehanort's Heartless and the Disney villains under Maleficent, the Heartless usually obey those with the will to control them as Saïx of Organization XIII shows. The Heartless' method of entering worlds is to use the corridors of darkness, an unpredictable pathway that interlinks many worlds. while the nobodies are creatures without hearts. They are leftovers "born" in a realm between light and darkness, and exist as merely the body and soul of people who lost their hearts to darkness. As they lack hearts to possess light or darkness, they are shunned by both; they are nothing, according to the cosmology of the Kingdom Hearts universe,but still exist. Unlike Heartless, Nobodies attack people with definite planning and feel the need to be complete (finding and reuniting their bodies with their lost hearts, but they will do anything to obtain any heart in order to end their feelings of incompleteness). The members of Organization XIII, being the most powerful Nobodies because of the strong hearts they had when they were "whole," kept human form while weaker ones assumed malformed, inhuman forms that are able to alter their physical shapes via contortions and stretches. Most of the members of the Organization tend to control one type of Nobody, usually suited to their fighting style.

    Dusk is the most common type of Nobody, along with Creeper. The "high-ranking" lesser Nobodies (Assassin, Berserker, Dancer, Dragoon, Gambler, Samurai, Sniper, and Sorcerer) are direct servants of the Organization member that they represent. Other types of Nobodies include Twilight Thorn and multiple kinds of Nobody ships.

    Thus as you can well see Nobodies are the best because you don't get a roulette wheel of them their either pure or not there at all.!
    Post by: royevans, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. royevans
    is it too late to jion?
    name: jester
    species: N/A
    weapon: psychic and dual swords
    special ability
    chaos control but can't use the chos crystals :P
    Super speed but it comes only in a dire situation
    Appearnce: medium height, skinny in stature, looks like an Elf, long shiny black hair, Skin is brown.
    Like this but black skin and male TAKE AWAY THE SHIELD AND ADD ANOTHER SWORD!!!
    Post by: royevans, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. royevans
    I believe the maddest thing I've done was Clicked this
    Post by: royevans, May 31, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts