Ok so it's been a while since I posted, last time I was having problems getting cwcheat to work on BBSFM. Now I'm having a different problem. I download a DB file with the codes for Final Mix, and they appear properly and everything, but the thing is, only one or two of the codes seems to actually do anything. The express level up skills and the all keyblades codes both seem to work, but nothing else has any effect. Infinite HP and the Experience multipliers in particular are some of the ones I want working. I turned the "Must Code" on, just in case, and still, nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
oh alright thanks a lot I'll check there! And yeah, is there a simple way to change the code region, like through a program, or does it need to be professionally ported?
Can I get the final mix version of the play as riku with no t-stance and final form moveset codes? Maybe I'm just not looking properly but this thread seems to have a LOT less codes than the NTSC version of the game. Is there a simple way to convert them? I tried going through max convert but the code didn't seem to work, unless I entered it wrong.
I really need help with codes for birth by sleep. No matter what I do, the codes won't appear in game. I've tried putting the codes into both the cheat and cheatpops database, I've tried different codes from different sites, but no matter what I do, when I go into the cwcheat menu and go into codes, the list is blank. This doesn't happen for any other game. I'm running CFW 6.60 PRO-B10
lol. as soon as I read the word "Chainsaw" I knew that was a fail! Maybe if he took 5 seconds to think, "hmmm, I wonder if the top producers in young children's movies would put a dangerous weapon largely ascossiated with, murder, bloodshed, and zombie survival, in their game?" Then he would've come up with the keyblade in the first place. still, its funny thinking of all the epic battle scenes with Chainsaws instead of keyblades. like the final fight scene. instead of beating up Xemnas with the keyblades then blasting him with a beam of light, he'd slash him a buch of times, then the chain would snap and fly through Xemnas. lol. hey, maybe it'll be possible to create a code to put a Chainsaw in the game. probably not though, because the animations would already have to be there.
I think the COM storyline was pretty decent considering it came out on the GBA. That was my main problem with the game is that it came out on a handheld system at first, so it was really restricted to what it could do with both the gameplay and storyline. And I'm sure we can all agree that Nintendo isn't known for the power of it's hardware, so I'm pretty happy with the way the story turned out. plus you got to play as Riku, who (at least in KH1 and COM) was the most badass character ever. although I wont argue that the story could do with a little improving. Sora's and Riku's stories seemed rushed. you go from one repetitive level to the next and before you know it, you're fighting the final boss. especially once you figure out the best strategy in the game, which I did, it become super easy. and by the second floor, which is way too early, Sora doesn't have a single memory left of the worlds he visited. I think they should've stuck to the PS2 in the first place and made COM at its full potential. Still, like I said the story is decent enough for the GBA that I still think KH is the best game ever.
I was wondering if anyone has a working code to play as dark riku in KH1. I asked for this a while ago, but the only thing I got was a code that teleported me to a glitched out hollow bastion where I kept falling into nothingness. and besides that, the forums seem to have reset, so all the old posts aren't there anymore. I saw the code in a video on the japanese version of the game, and I wondered if anyone had ported it to the NTSC version
There's a problem with the high jump max level, glide max level, etc. codes. whenever I equip the abilities, as soon as I exit the screen, they unequip themselves, resulting in me not being able to use them. does anyone know how to fix this?
Ok thnx. wow this is complicated. I'm starting to regret asking for this lol.:stupid: I guess I'd better get out my old coding tutorials and figure out what this all means.