Recent Content by RoxasDarkness

  1. RoxasDarkness
    Wohooo!!! Thanks very much for the code man!!

    Now I would like to make another request: I wanted a code that'll unlock all Drives. The one in the first page makes Antiform appear in the list and I don't want Anti Form in my Drive List and somehow Final Form isn't appearing for me in my game :/ So please, can anyone give me a code that'll unlock Final Form?
    Post by: RoxasDarkness, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. RoxasDarkness
    Okay, I've already double checked the first page and I didn't find a code that'll give me the Ultima Weapon. The code that'll give me all Weapons, Items and Synthesis items doesn't give me Ultima Weapon, only those two models for it, but they aren't the real Ultima Weapon.

    So my request is: Can someone make a code that'll give me the Ultima Weapon? I don't want a code that'll replace a Keyblade that I'm using with Ultima, I just want a code that'll unlock Ultima Weapon in my game, please :3
    Post by: RoxasDarkness, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault