Recent Content by Roxas_of_Organization13

  1. Roxas_of_Organization13
    Any code comes with the possibility of a crash or freeze, but they got rid ofmost the ones that more often then not failed to perform as expected.

    Hope you guys don't mind that I answered for you?
    Post by: Roxas_of_Organization13, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Roxas_of_Organization13
    I can get on to kh-vids but most of the files, everything from Filefront at least, won't download. Are these problems related?
    Post by: Roxas_of_Organization13, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Roxas_of_Organization13
    Demyx: His 10 sec 10 clone and 40 sec 50 clone defeats me unless I use Trinity...
    Luxord: Time meters, game RC's, and transforming Sora into things puts Luxord high on the list as well.
  4. Roxas_of_Organization13
    battle of Intellegence

    Zexion and Luxord, based on how they use their brains over their strength, other than that, Xemnas, since he is the leader of Organization XIII
  5. Roxas_of_Organization13
    The power of number I

    Xemnas is technecly the strongest member of the organization. However, since you battle him three times with saving, he is made weaker. Also you have to battle a nobody that looks like a dragon and tons of other nobodies. Dymix and Luxord are both harder then Xemnas on the account of the time limit that both have given you.
    Post by: Roxas_of_Organization13, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX