Recent Content by Roxas_Girl

  1. Roxas_Girl
    Its okay, Xaldin. I got tricked really badly on BoAjjang so yours nothing compared to theirs. I wont kill you or attack you. I'm going to go and buy a magic card and import the game ((Which I should've done in the first place))

    I hope those magic card things work. :)
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Roxas_Girl
    I'm scared...I havent been tricked today for April fools so....I'd feel very hurt if this interview wasnt true XD but even if its not true...1 day we wil see the FM+ coming to Europe and American *daydreams*

    I dont get it. He says he has a the plot and all thought out. Yet before he said the knights arent related to anyone and now MOST of them aren't. I hope he doesn't change his mind about anything. But...if he decides it to be the end for Riku and Sora's stories (or if he continues Sora's story) I wouldnt mind having Roxas have his own COMPLETE story...after all theres even a knight who looks like him!!!! (I still think I'm seeing things)

    But...I'm a little worried about this not really having to do with Kingdom Hearts. I heard the makers of Kingdom Hearts are making Final Fantasy 13...does 13 have to do with the new Kingdom Hearts? I'm completely guessing and hopping its a 'no'. I'm not a big fan on Final Fantasy games XD.
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Roxas_Girl
    Now...Ima person who skips the "moogle" thing and goes on and beats the game. When I first played it...I saved it at the HUGE fight of the last battle. You know...after beating Xenmas the first time in The World That Never Was (boy do i love typing that name). Well...I had recently decided to lvl up (since when originally playing the game on beginner, I was on 48) to beat Sephy. I am now on lvl 52. I only have probelms with "Moogling" because I don't understand it.

    I heard you needed 4 or 5 orchileum+ and a reciepe to make an Ultima (Or those are the major things). On my moogle thing, I am also a lvl 3 Moogle (Where you can use the Energy Stone, that other one that gains exp or reduces items, and the serenity stone). The problem is that for the Ultima it doesnt say 4 or 5 says 13!! O.O...I dont even have much items made (most ppl made more items then me) and i tend to use matierals and then realzie i could have used them for something else. there anyway to get 13 Orc.+? Or would I have to start the game over or something...since I'm basically "done" with the game and have used most items that were probably needed to make the Ultima (Srry its long..XD)
    Thread by: Roxas_Girl, Mar 12, 2007, 33 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. Roxas_Girl
    I'd say BK and McDonalds cuz i love both of them equally but im going with Mcdonalds...

    I HATE Wendys...ever since i went there to eat and a whole bunch of flies were just ruined my appatite...:(
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 21, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Roxas_Girl
    ermmmm reaction commands would work so i can show off!!! Otherwise

    Glide...because it's fun...and um...o and my second one would be Dodge Roll....I love that i cant do a dodge roll in real life XD :(
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Roxas_Girl
    Every day i want it more and more...but wouldnt cost a lot cuz its two games in one? I mean there's a chance i might find it for like 14.00 if it comes out in America...i found Xenosaga II (which is 2disc) for $14.00...but it does seem like it would cost a lot...

    And im not sure about the its in Japanese, the game, but its just English voice actors for english parts? Or is it completely in English?
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Roxas_Girl
    Well...i hope it comes out and it does seem pretty possible...but really...I heard the Japanese one is a 2disc set...Re:CoM and Final Mix+...will it be the same if it comes to US? Cuz i really would love to play it on my ps2...but wouldnt that cost awfully a lot? (KH2 Complete Soundtrack box set was 9 CDs and it came up as $134.75!!)
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Roxas_Girl
    I'd like him back...He's not my favorite character but when I saw the secret ending I was kinda disappointed and afraid. It just made me feel like it was gonna be a KH story i wasnt expecting...but as long as they dont totally get rid of Roxas...I'll be perfectly fine...:)
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Roxas_Girl
    okay...well i think its by what they see...In my skool, girls who like video games, hate shopping, like asian music (or any music consider "odd"), and is just not girly-material like is rejected. It's the same with guys too. The only reason ppl say Girls love to shop and Guys are a sport-person is because its one of those things that's been going on for a long time. And in many places, like my skool, if ur not like that ur rejected....

    Im not soo much girly at all...o and the perverted thing...yea me and my girls r perverted...i just think its kinda like a personality...but i think girls may be perverted to their friends or something...
    Post by: Roxas_Girl, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone