Recent Content by Roxas 1994

  1. Roxas 1994
    "Some nerve! This is my first time doing this thing! And who are you to yell at me!" Ryan yelled back at Takashi. Ryan had a short temper and he was very suburn. But, he had a good heart.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Roxas 1994
    The Hallow slowly disappeared. The arror that pierced the Hallows mask caught Rukia's attetion, making her look back at Takashi. "A Qunicy? The only Qunicy I have seen before is Uryu. This is a surprise." Rukia thought as she looked at Takashi. Ryan's looked at Takashi, and Ryan had a smile on his face.

    "Thanks." Ryan said as he walked over to Takashi.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Roxas 1994
    The Hallow looked over at Takashi with it's evil red eyes. There Ryan saw his chance to cause some major damage to the Hallow. Ryan ran over to the Hallow and he jumped up into the air. He slamed his zamapku-to into the Hallow's neck and that created a huge wound in the Hallow. The Hallow sreamed out in pain.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Roxas 1994
    "You have to! If you don't then he'll kill your family. Your spirit energy is all over that house!" Rukia shouted at Ryan. When she said that Ryan knew what he had to do. He had to fight. Ryan looked at the Hallow and then he darted towards it. Ryan and the Hallow clashed.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Roxas 1994
    "What happened?" Ryan asked as he looked at his zampaku-to and at his Soul Reaper uniform. "You are a Soul Reaper. Now go and defeat that Hallow in battle." Rukia said as she pointed at the nearby Hallow.

    "You want me to kill that!? You got to be joking." Ryan said as he looked at the evil Hallow.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Roxas 1994


    Thank you. And I'll try to work on mt spelling and words.

    Chapter 3: Hero

    Ryan’s father knocked on Ryan’s bedroom door. He wanted to tell Ryan the special news he had., but Ryan didn’t answered.
    “Ryan? I have something to tell you.” Ryan’s father said as he opened the door. He gasped in shock as he saw the room empty and the bedroom window opened. Ryan ran away from home. Meanwhile, Ryan walked along the sidewalk, about a mile away from home.
    “How could he?” Ryan thought as he looked at the ground. After all the darkness talk he still didn’t forget about what his father said.. Just as he was about to turn the corner he heard a girl scream.
    “What was that?!” Ryan thought as turned around and started to run in the direction he heard the scream. There he saw a group of what to look like a gang coming closer to a girl about his age. Ryan couldn’t see the girls face well, but something inside of him made him leap out.
    “Get away from her!” Ryan shouted. Then Ryan was in shock. He would never do that in a million years
    “Oh look here guys. We have a little hero.” the leader of the gang said as he turned around to get a good look at Ryan.
    “You guys pick on someone your own size!” Ryan yelled as the rest of the gang looked at Ryan with a blood lust in there eyes.
    “Get him!” the leader shouted as they all ran at Ryan. Ryan didn’t know what to do.
    “Great. Here goes my face.” Ryan thought as he closed his eyes tight. But then a bright light started to form in Ryan’s hands and the same sword appeared.
    “What is this?” Ryan asked as he looked at the sword. The gang members looked surprised when they saw the sword.
    “Don’t stop! Go get him!” the leader shouted as he charged at Ryan.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Roxas 1994
    Ryan came to complete stop. He could feel the evil energy right across from him. As he looked closer he could see the Hallow coming closer. The Hallow had big red eyes, sharp teeth, and a body of a spider.

    "I think it was a bad idea to come here." Ryan thought. Then, Ryan heard foot steps. Qhen he turned around he saw Rukia. She was wearing a red gloove and she was coming closer. When she got close enough she hit Ryan with the hand that had the red gloove on it. When Ryan stood up he was in his Soul Reaper Uniform and his zampaku-to was in his hands.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxas 1994
    Ryan ran faster into the direction of the Hallow. He didn't know why, but something was 'calling' him. "What is that evil power I feel? It feels wierd." Ryan thought as he ran faster.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxas 1994
    Rukia picked up her communicater and saw the Hallow dashing towards Ryan's lacation. " A Hallow." Rukia mmmbled as she put the cummunicater back in her pocket and she dashed down the street.

    Meanwhile, Ryan felt evil Hallow coming towards him. He couldn't help but run towards the strang power.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxas 1994
    Ryan soon woke up. He was sweating a lot and he felt drained of all his energy. "Was that a dream?" Ryan asked himself as he sat up. He walked out of his room and he walked outside. He looked out at the night sky, sencing something evil.
    "What's out here?" Ryan asked himself as he looked around.

    Meanwhile, a Hallow was coming towards Ryan location. The Hallow licked his lips as it crawled faster and faster.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Roxas 1994
    "Yes. His spritual pressure was amazing and that was his first time being a Soul Reaper, even though he used my power. Even in his human form he spirtual pressure was strong. It was so strong that every Soul Reaper could feel it." Rukia answered.

    "I just hope nobody else shows up to find the boy." Rukia thought as she looked up at the sky for a second and then she turned her attention back to the path ahead.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Roxas 1994
    "Yes, and by the look of the patch on your arm you are a luetenant Soul Reaper. What do you want?" Rukia asked as she walked past Fuyu.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Roxas 1994
    "Get out of my way!" Ryan shouted as the Geoblade appeared in his hands. He slahed at the Raxtion clones, knocking them out of his way. He looked back for a momment and then he turned his attetion to the nearing power plant.
    "I'm almost there." Ryan said as he went faster.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Roxas 1994
    "If Raxtion gets to the power plant, then he'll become stronger. I have to stop him." Ryan said as he road a skateboard down the road. He was going really fast, and he kept going faster. He was on his way to the power plant.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Roxas 1994
    OOC: Nothing much. Rukia gave Ryan her Soul Reaper powers when 5 (evil guy) attacked. Now the fight has ended and Rukia is trying to find Ryan's home. I'm going to still control Rukia until XxRukiaKuchikixX returns.

    Rukia brought Ryan back home. She layed him on his bed and then she jumpedout the window. "His spiritusl presure was increadable. He remines me of Ichigo." Rukia thought for a momment as she jumped onto another roof top.
    Post by: Roxas 1994, Nov 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home