I've already tried that out with his data and it didn't work. The command was there and I pressed the button (used shortcut) but nothing happened. It seemed to me that this RC was "regular" because when you activate learn, jump replaces your attack option. I was quite disappointed, really :( , but tnx anyway.
Is there a way to make Xaldin's "jump" RC (the one after you learn it) in regular battle. I was just wandering: it could be cool to use it when fighting, for example, Larxene (becuse you teleport) but it doesn't seem to be working. I've tried RC mod, shortcut mod, and also tried to combine it with "learn" RC, but nothing happened. Is there a command menu with it? Or simply : is there ANY RC beside attack; magic (thunder-ra-aga etc.) , mega-ether,shoot that WORK?
Is it possible to use "The End" RC outside the battle with Roxas? (or without him being in party)? I've tried to use it through RC shortcut, with Roxas (boss) being in my party and it worked when I aimed him. But when I used Attackable dummy it didn't work. So my question is: Can I ("summon") keyblades whithout roxas boss being anywhere?