There's source code on the original JP KH disc? Where is this located? I've taken a look at the files using crazycat's extractor but it looked fairly similar to the contents of the US version.
Excelent work! Glad to see the patch is still being worked on. What parts of the ELF needed to be modified to remove the widescreen borders in cutscenes? Perhaps this could be converted to a CodeBreaker/Action Replay code for use in the US release.
PCSX2 had a known bug for about two months that causes KH to crash at various points, but it has recently been fixed. Here's the commit log from May 6:
Unfortunately the buildbot is currently broken (no new builds past the end of March), so you would need someone to compile it for you. Alternatively, try an older version since this issue was recently introduced.
I saw the "Let's break" videos on YouTube where they were modifying the game on the fly using some kind of a hook with PCSX2. This inspired me to figure out some of the values they're modifying, so here's some new codes. Try playing with the values to get cool effects:
Game Speed (Floating-point values)
202B6240 3F800000
Game Speed 2 (Independent from the one above, but seems to affect things differently)
202B622C 3F800000
I've got a CFW PS3 but need to find a reliable FTP app to transfer the MSELF files back to my PS3. Once they're transfered I can decrypt them. Problem is the FTP server on my PS3 kicks me off after transferring a few files. Sounds easy to fix, but I haven't had a chance to look into it.
I'll try to decrypt some of the files files one of these days and will report back my findings if it works out.
Well, unless GSDX gets a major rewrite (which is very unlikely), we would still have to bring the texture resolution from 1.5 down to what ever it is in the original.
If anyone cares, I found that *.img files with a world code in it's prefix (like dh or di) are where level textures are kept. The image format seems similar to the DPX as you can see here:
If it's similar to model textures, maybe Crazykat's tool could be modified to dump/replace world textures with modified ones from 1.5.
At some point, will the translated ARD files be replaced with PPF or delta patches? With the current way of doing things, you're distributing copyrighted content. Everyone's opinions on piracy aside, it's much easier for Square to nail a C&D on this if binary files are released instead of patches. We wouldn't want the work that's been done so far to be for nothing ;)
He's using Tile Molester... yes, that's that's the real name :).