Recent Content by rmarques

  1. rmarques
    Quite honestly, I prefer this new battle system. I mean, come on! We had 10 games with the old battle system! Time for a change already! I know, I know, "if it's not broken, you don't fix it" but come on! The random battles HAD to go.

    I'm sorry, but being attacked by monsters every ten seconds is not exacly my idea of fun. As much as I love the previous Final Fantasy games, I say this is a welcome and needed change. But, I will admit it probably would have been better if they had made the battle system more like Chrono Trigger...
    Post by: rmarques, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. rmarques
    Oh noes! People having fun with a game, and making couples that... gasp! Aren't straight! :O Whatever will we do!!

    Bah, get a grip will you? if you don't like them, then don't look at them. Nobody is pointing a gun at your head and saying "Look at them!" (at least I hope there isn't, and if there is, then you have my simpathy).

    I like yaoi. Well, I'm a gay 18 years old male, of course I'll like manxman action. Yet here's the thing: I know it's not canon! O__O In fact, I happen to like SoraxKairi! I happen to believe that it's a canon pairing (altough by the end of the game Sora had some weird behaviour around her. What's with the awkward hug Sora?)! But here's the thing: we're talking about fanart, meaning, it's stuff fans are making for fun!

    That being said, crazy fangirls (especially those that go around and say it's all canon), ARE annoying. Crazy fangirls = not cool.
    Post by: rmarques, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. rmarques
    Actually it is. Hiring the VAs would cost a lot of money, and where do you think they'll get it from? That's right, the money they make selling the videogames. A bussiness' goal is to profit, and when it comes to a NA version of KH2 FM+, they don't give a damn about the money they made with Japan, they just want to know the money they're making with the NA version. So yes, it is skin of their noses if they don't sell as much here.

    However, they do not have to take a risk they do not feel that it's worth it. And quite honestly, considering most Western gamers move on to new stuff after they're done with the old, chances are, the sales of FM+ in NA would not make it worth a release.

    Nothing for PS2 that's for sure. Apparently, Nomura already stated FM+ would be his last PS2 game. So it'll either be a new game for PS2, or some side-game for another console. Who knows, maybe Mushroom Kingdom Hearts is not a hoax xD
    Post by: rmarques, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. rmarques
    Sad as it is, the chances of KH2 FM+ to be released in NA are slim, and even slimmer for Europe.

    They'd have to re-do the voice over for RE-Chain of memories, (it seems that they just mixed previous recordings, or made up some reason for the scenes to be mute in Kh2 FM+, you can see that in the PV that's around youtube), translate the names and properties of the new cards, the subtitles for both games, then make all the new copies, and then, chances are, the game wouldn't even seel as much as the original KH2. Why? Simple: It's full priced. Unlike, say, all the PSone ports of the SNES Final Fantasies, which where sold at half of the price of a regular brand new game (at least here in Europe), KH2 FM+ will be sold at a HIGHER price of the usual in a brand new games. And let's face it, most people don't want to spend 70$ on the same games with a few extras in it (assuming they put it on sale at about the same price they did in Japan).

    Sure, you may point out all the people in forums that say "I want this game!!!!111111", however those people are a small number in the big picture. The truth is, most people would not be interested in re-buying the game.

    And no, Square-Enix probably won't release it at a smaller price like most directors cut kind of games are. The re-make of Chain of Memories probably makes it not only worth, but necessary that they sell at a full price.

    Sad as it is, in the end of the day, Square-Enix is a bussiness, and releasing KH2 FM+ in NA or any other territory outside Japan or at most, Asia, is a risk they probably don't want to take. If we consider how many people that would actually buy this game are importing, the sales would be even smaller, since those people won't buy it again.

    PS: Hi I'm new :P
    Post by: rmarques, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX