Recent Content by rikus_da_man

  1. rikus_da_man
    My favourite remix is of a Gorillaz song
    Dirty Harry chopper remix. It's really cool, and its got some neat little noises in there.
    I also like the El Manana Metronomy remix, but the real song is better.
    Post by: rikus_da_man, Aug 8, 2007 in forum: Music
  2. rikus_da_man
    Wow... people on here are being pretty bitter. It makes me mad with all the homophobes on here too. But ah well. People like that exist which means they all have opinions right?
    Post by: rikus_da_man, Aug 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. rikus_da_man
    Magic sure did help alot. You could take chunks out of enemies health, and you could heal yourself greatly. I started to use magnet finally though then got addicted to it.
    I don't know why but I laughed everytime I used it, XD.
    Post by: rikus_da_man, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. rikus_da_man
    Hmmm yeah... that is pretty weird. But is that what it is backwords... or just how it sounds (except for the songs parts with the backwards junk, XD)...?
    Post by: rikus_da_man, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. rikus_da_man
    There's lots of pairings I don't support in KH. Yaoi just doesn't work for KH or KHII so I'm against just about everyone of them. Anything /Mickey is wrong. Except for Minnie. Why? THINK ABOUT THAT NOW. Of course jokes don't bug me.
    And I can't stand any of the Yuri pairings either... just... it doesn't work.
    And NaminexKairi and SoraxRoxas is crazy...... thats like... if you were in love with yourself... hmmm yeah.... I don't think that'd work out to well, XD.

    Also it doesn't really bug be if its all cute friendly cuddling or something with the guys or girls... but keep in mind that if it has anything to do with the s. e. x. letters, that almost all the main characters are UNDER-AGE. It's not right, you know?

    ...I'm ranting aren't I...?
    Except for something that was meant to be that way in Kingdom Hearts, some odd couples are completely out of the question.
    I mean...

    They're all just friends right?
    Post by: rikus_da_man, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone