I'm pretty sure that my first anime was Sailor Moon, although since I was probably somewhere in between 6 and 8 I don't remember much. What really got me watching anime was probably Rave Master, which I don't think comes on anymore, depressingly enough.
Without a doubt, I'd have to say that my favorite Keyblade wielder is Riku, followed by Roxas. As for Keyblades, I think that Way to the Dawn is my favorite, although I really like Oathkeeper and Bond of Flames as well...There's probably another that I'm forgetting though...
I recall reading somewhere that Riku's name is derived from a word meaning "earth" or "land" or something along those lines. So it could be a metaphor referring to the fact that no matter how hard either one of them tries Sora is always going to be slightly higher than Riku, like the sky is above the earth.
Mmm...I'd have to say a three way tie between Bleach, Naruto and FullMetal Alchemist. All three kept/keep my attention, which is fairly difficult to do. Currently though, I'm in a Naruto mood, so it's slightly higher than the other two.
Yeah, I've noticed that, but never really pointed it out to anyone. I guess I assumed that everyone else saw it as well. If you look carefully on the screens, you can see Kairi on the ones in both Deep Dive and Another Side, Another Story. In Deep Dive though, you see her on the screens almost every time you get a look at them.
"That's just fantastic..." murmured Tarasyn sarcastically as she stared at the expanse, and then bringing her gaze up to the ceiling. There appeared to be no way across...but there had to be. "Hmm...." Tarasyn turned her gaze towards the walls, which seemed to be entirely smooth. "This seems impossible..."