Recent Content by Riksem

  1. Riksem
    im not sure what the condensed party mod is but im talking about the universal mod its like 0000xxxx and the x's are the character u wanna play as like 06b8 is seph or something i have a list somewhere it says on my link but if any1 is familiar with swap coder 3.8 i think u can only have 1 raw line of code so what do i do for big codes like im specificially looking at the 98 items synthesis code i tried a code for inf mp and it worked but it was only only 1 line so if any1 is specifically familiar with swap 3.8 coder id be great thx

    im sry but this is the only thing, i need to figure out how 2 play as diff characters with chara mods and how 2 put more than 1 line of hex/code on in swapmagic 3.8 coder

    so if someone could help me plz that would really help me out greatly
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Riksem
    im not sure what the condensed party mod is but im talking about the universal mod its like 0000xxxx and the x's are the character u wanna play as like 06b8 is seph or something i have a list somewhere it says on my link but if any1 is familiar with swap coder 3.8 i think u can only have 1 raw line of code so what do i do for big codes like im specificially looking at the 98 items synthesis code i tried a code for inf mp and it worked but it was only only 1 line so if any1 is specifically familiar with swap 3.8 coder id be great thx
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Riksem
    ps sry if links arent allowed

    im new i use raw swapmagic 3.8 coder to use cheats but anyway i dont get the character mod code or the universal or v2 ive tried to load sephiroth not guard stanced i used many combinations all ended with a black screen after i pressed load im in twtnw i used mod for that world and i tried the universal mods with seph 4 digits i tried all seperately and all together im lost is there something im missing thx?

    ps im posting this on several sites to learn the answer i have a fat ps2 use swap 3.8 with slide tool in case it matters
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Riksem
    k thx so can any1 answer my qustion oh and obviously im playin 2 final mix
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Riksem
    ps sry if links arent allowed

    im new i use raw swapmagic 3.8 coder to use cheats but anyway i dont get the character mod code or the universal or v2 ive tried to load sephiroth not guard stanced i used many combinations all ended with a black screen after i pressed load im in twtnw i used mod for that world and i tried the universal mods with seph 4 digits i tried all seperately and all together im lost is there something im missing thx?

    ps im posting this on several sites to learn the answer i have a fat ps2 use swap 3.8 with slide tool in case it matters
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Riksem
    im new i use raw swapmagic 3.8 coder to use cheats but anyway i dont get the character mod code or the universal or v2 ive tried to load sephiroth not guard stanced i used many combinations all ended with a black screen after i pressed load im in twtnw i used mod for that world and i tried the universal mods with seph 4 digits i tried all seperately and all together im lost is there something im missing thx?

    ps im posting this on several sites to learn the answer i have a fat ps2 use swap 3.8 with slide tool in case it matters
    Post by: Riksem, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault