Recent Content by RikotheFoxKid

  1. RikotheFoxKid
    I don't like any of the crap that makes the characters homo. im talking about:

    Sora x Riku
    Axel x Roxas
    Saix x Xemnas
    Kairi x Selphie

    You get the picture. Anything like that is wrong!

    However, I do support the ones that are completely obvious!

    Sora x Kairi
    Roxas x Namine
    Post by: RikotheFoxKid, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. RikotheFoxKid
    I like all the forms except Master and Limit.

    Why I like them:
    Normal: Eh, its better than when he had clown shoes!
    Valor: Your fast and have two Keyblades
    Wisdom: You can shoot from far distances, and blue is my favorite color
    Final: Cause he looks cool!
    Anti: Nothing is cooler than darkness

    I don't like these two cause:
    Master: It's just a remake of Valor
    Limit: Uh... is going retro THAT important?

    If I had to pick one out of all tho, it would definitely be wisdom form.
    Post by: RikotheFoxKid, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX