Oh! ok. but that is disgusting. But I think that he didn't even eat her because because donald and goofy was kept outside of the forcefield. So how did she dissapear?
I think that its not showing her because that they don't want her to show or she's not a backround or she's not part of the battle. Mabye she's Not a fighter thats why. That's all the ideas that I can throw in.
Hi Desmonic! How to use the cards are simple. but if its on ps2 I can't help. You see, I only do it on GBA. so how to do it on GameBoy is like this:
1.L=moving the cards that you have left R=moving the cards right.
2.to pick cards to use in battle press A. B is jump. If you run all out of cards and you only have a black one, you have to hold down the A button to refill those cards.
3. to use cards all at once, pick a card press L+R and it goes up on to of the screen. keep on doing that until you reach three. then press L+R when you have all threee cards and you have a stronger attack. but you can't get those cards back untill the end of the battle.
4.Sleights: to use or gain sleights, you have to get level ups to get sleights. just choose the slieghts button on the bottom of the screen. to use sleights, get all three cards you need for the sleight and use the attack. Then thats how you use a sleight.
5. to use another deck in battle, press select. then a new deck shows up. but you can only use that deck if you defeated disney villans. their cards go to your deck.
6. to change decks, go to the menu screen. then pick review decks. you then get to name, create, and equip decks there. select is equip or if you choose the deck by the A button, a whole lot of stuff comes out. you can pick each one like that.
well I think thats all theres to it on the cards of KH chain of memories. Hope you get to learn the other parts.:) ;) :D