Recent Content by Righ-Torodai

  1. Righ-Torodai
    I'm not really sure how the commands will act when you press a button in limit form. i wanna know how Marluxia came back.

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    Post by: Righ-Torodai, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Righ-Torodai
    I'm not sure lots of people have suspicions. Some think they're related to the characters but Tetsuya Normura says they have no relation to the original characters. some think they're sora, riku, and kairi's parents.

    But tetsuya also said their identity is hidden in FF VII:AC which got me thinking about Denzel and Marlene. and Xaldin thought about it being Kadaj and his gang, i mean come one no one knows what those 2 look like as adults but then who's the third.

    The trio of chasers could be Dark Riku, Namine', and Roxas. but thats unlikely because the 3 chasers are friends of xemnas. so who could they be? we'll just have to wait till news about it.

    Its just a mystery only Tetsuya and his friends (maybe) now their identity.

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    hope some of you go to my youtube account. i got my old account deleted so i had to remake it.
    Post by: Righ-Torodai, Jan 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX