I am unlucky ******* I live in an area that doesn't show those movies. The only movies they seem to show are the extremely popular ones (which you know most of which suck big time and I just can't understand why people watch them, I mean most if not all of them seem to be slasher flicks which by common law really have no story, well this rant is a completely different subject). I was lucky enough to reserve all 3 films at F.Y.E. like a few months early. It pays to know people.
Actually there are ONLY 3 Death Note films.
However they are talking about making an American remake of the movies/series.
In honesty the dubbings were not all that bad. Compared to other dubs. At least the mouths matched some what this time round. Probably because they hired professionals.
"Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed."
When trying to sign up directly and same transport error when signing up here on our portal.
This is what happens when they think it wise to use a server with Microsoft.
Avatar: 10/10. Because Buttercup can kill me 3 ways at the same time and not look back after.
Heart Siggy: 8/10. Like the effect
Namine Siggy: 5/10. Needs more work.
So yeah, tried to sign up to the User Portal (this would be my second time seeing as my first account doesn't seem to exist anymore) and I get this pretty little error every time.
Line 175: // try
Line 176: { Line 177: System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send("signup@" + Company.Current.PortalDomain, user.EmailAddress, "Welcome to " + Company.Current.Name, Utilities.GetNewAccountEmailBody(user));
Line 178: }
Line 179: //catch
(I gotta ask, why does that say c:? Isn't that the Interal harddrive of the server? Shouldn't it be http:? Eh, it's a windows server, bound to have screw ups)