The Wii is doing INCREDIBLY well in Japan as well as in the US. It also is going to have some great games coming out soon. (SSBB [best selling gc game sequel] and SMG) It is truly a fun and innovative system, biggest suprise of '06 E3: just how fun the Wii is.
The Xbox 360 is a purely awesome machine. It has so many great games on it currently and coming out. Mass Effect looks like it is going to be one of the best RPGs in ages and of course Halo 3 in the fall. For currently out games it has ES4 Oblivion, Gears of War, and Rainbow Six. Also look for Blue Dragon (SE made RPG)coming soon. Also MGS4 may not be so exclusive as first thought....
Now the PS3 has had an, undoubtedly, lackluster start. The ONLY game worth getting (currently) is Resistance oh, and Oblivion (which is on 360). This will most definitely change with time, however, with MGS4, Heavenly Sword, GoW3, and of course FFXIII and Versus XIII. But of course, this machine has Blu-Ray but also costs 200 more than the 360. It kinda depends on whether you think slightly better picture and these titles are worth much more.
So, in closing, I'd say that it all depends on the games you want to play.
(If final fantasy is your thing you are in luck. ALL systems are getting support from SE)
As for handhelds, DS is funner, PSP has much better graphics and costs 80 dollars more. But PSP has Crisis Core...
It's most likely because since Sephiroth was travelling through the Lifestream he probably got all battered and lost his clothes, since Square didn't feel like they wanted to render male genatalia they decided not to include his lower half.
In my opinion, the best game ever. From lightsabers and sadistic assasin droids, to the best plot twist in gaming, Kotor has got more Star Wars in it than any of the prequels could ever hope to have.
The game has incredible voice-acting, rich dialogue, and generally the best story and characters I've seen in a game yet.
*Who here agrees? Post why and feel free to discuss the game. (If you feel compelled to reveal the plot twist please do so in a spoiler box)
You don't believe in aliens, eh? Now I'm not talking of the "take me to your leader" type but you honestly think that Earth is the only planet in the entire universe that has life?
On tests and stuff I cannot believe that that is passable....but when i write notes and "The Thirty Years War" is said at least 10 times I abbreviate it to "30YW" which works yeah, as long as you know what you're doing when it counts I say it's fine.
But most of my teachers aren't strict so if I wrote "LOL ODYSSEUS GOT PWN3D!" on an "The Odyssey" test I don't think she would really care. She might write on my corrected test "try not to do that anymore"