Recent Content by Renivere

  1. Renivere
    @Llave de Espada: Ahaha I'm not much. I'm more of a photo manipulation and typography artist.

    Ah my username. It's actually a typo derived from Reverie from Elemental Glade xD I was young at that time and remembered it incorrectly, thus creating Renivere xD;;
    Post by: Renivere, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Renivere
    @NemesisPrime: I have all generations except 3rd, which happens to be my favorite :c

    @Dr_Wigglz: Ahaha it's already cool meeting people c:
    Post by: Renivere, Oct 18, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Renivere
    @Arbok: Pokemon is a definite :P I'm a huge Pokemon fan.
    Also, Fragile Dreams for the wii. It lacks a bit in most areas but it really is a beautiful game. It's full of amazingly composed music with gorgeous scenery. I just love it :P

    @Okabe Rintarou: Mmhm. I heard of a new game called Time Travellers (or something alone those lines) that is post-apocalypse. It seems really well done from trailers I saw.
    Post by: Renivere, Oct 18, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Renivere
    My name is Sherry c: I enjoy playing video games a lot, typically the post-apocalypse/RPG style games. My hobby is graphic designing and music (playing piano, singing etc.). Currently in a band as the keyboardist and back up vocal c:

    I remember when I bought Kingdom hearts for my birthday. The cover art was amazing and my eyes were glued to it :P

    I have a serious crush on Ventus (but strangely, not Roxas.), and Sora (I honestly love Miyu Irino. I love Syaoran and all the other character he does d: )

    Nice to meet you all~!
    Thread by: Renivere, Oct 18, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures